Chapter two

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Sam paced back and forth in the living room while the rest of us sat trying to come up with an idea. After I had showed Sam the note he started getting all of our weapons gathered and put them on the living room coffee table.

"We have to leave." Sam said still pacing. I looked at Darren and grabbed his hand.

"Where would we go?" I asked.

"We would move around until we find a place to settle." he stopped pacing. "I am going to start packing." With that said he left the room.

My head was swirling and my chest was burning. I can't leave Carter and Darren I wouldn't be able to cope with it.

As if reading my thoughts Carter spoke " I have to go with you. I came out to my parents and they said they could never accept that I was gay that I had to leave." The new information shocked me but, I couldn't even think to say anything.

"I am coming too. My dad is never home and if I was missing he wouldn't care because he would just think I moved out." Darren said.

"Looks like you guys are coming with me then. Go get your stuff and meet me here in an hour." They nodded and left.

Crap how am I going to explain this to Sam. I climb the stairs up to Sam's room and knock on the door. The door opens and Sam stands in the entrance. I tell him the situation about the boys and surprisingly he didn't care if they come he just wants to be out of here.

Sam never liked the thought of me having a boyfriend so him letting Darren come shocked me even though I'm not dating Darren. I started packing things in my room that I needed. The last thing I picked up to fit into my bag was the picture of my parents. I kissed it then went downstairs done with packing.

Thirty minutes later everybody was packed and ready to go. Sam left a note on the door saying we went for a vacation just in case someone came by. We all packed our backs into the back of Sam's Dodge charger.

We piled up in the car ready to leave. I sat in the front with Sam preparing to be a DJ for the ride. When we drove away from the house I leaned my head on the window.

"This is going to be a hell of a fight from what I can see." Darren said.

"We aren't fighting." Sam said aggravated.

"No, Darren is right. We are going to end whoever started this. I plan on getting revenge on these bastards for what they did to Mom and Dad." I said which made Sam quiet in thought because deep down he knew it had to be done.

"So what we just kill them and not worry about police?" Carter spoke.

"We are the victims, no way are the police going to blame us." I said to calm their nerves, but we all know that's not how the messed up justice system works.

I looked back a Darren and took in his features to distract myself. His chiseled jaw went along with his hardened face and his eyes seemed to shine a bright ice blue that could almost match my dull blue eyes.

Carter on the other hand had brown like my brother and very soft features which was the opposite of Sam.

A yawn escaped me as I leaned my head softly onto the window and started to drift away until blackness consumed me.


Shaking. Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes to see the car door was open and Darren was in front of me. I took in my surroundings noticing we were at a gas station.

"Come Inside and get some snacks." Darren held his hand out for me. I took it and we walked into the gas station. We all got snacks and then I went to use the bathroom.

I walked out the building and went to the side of it. I've always hated these bathrooms they make me feel sick. I continued along the side of the wall when a small scream caught my attention.

A girl was standing at the back of the building surrounded by four ugly looking guys. I hid on the side of the building to see what was going on and she was walking backwards slowly.

"Please leave me alone I will give you my money." The girl cried as she held her hands up.

"Now I would way rather have your body so why would I leave?" One of the taller men said. They were getting closer to her closing her in. Idiots.

Taking action I stepped into their view "Hey, mother fuckers." I yelled.

They turned around and started smirking. "Looks like we have another young lady for the party." One of them licked his lips.

Disgusted I walked closer to them. When they were in reaching distance I threw a punch at the tall guy. He Tried to grab me but I backed up. He then tried to punch me and barely missed.

Two more of them started to get closer to me while one held on to the poor girl. I kicked the closet guy to me in the nuts and he immediately dropped. The other two came to me and one took a swing at my face.

A sting spread across my face and I kicked his knee and he fell. His friend next to me grabbed me and the guys started getting up. He held a tight grip around me and I struggled to get away.

"Oh you're dead now" The tall one threatened.

"Let her go!" I heard Sam yell from behind us.

Before I knew it the grip around me was gone and I was running to the guy that was holding the scared girl. I looked back before I made it to the girl.

Sam was on top of the guy that was holding me beating the crap out of him. Darren pushed a guys head into the wall and carter was getting pinned down.

I Tried to pry the guy off the girl, but he shoved me to the ground. My head hit the ground and liquid started dripping down my forehead. Then Sam made it over to help me with the guy as I got back up.

The girl came over to me and stood behind me. Darren was over helping carter and when he knocked the guy out he ran over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me to death. "Oh god Jade, are you okay?" he asked. I nodded my head and nuzzled into his chest.

A throat clearing made us pull apart. Sam stared at us for a second then turned to the girl. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I am now, Thank you." she exclaimed. She turned to me and surprised me with a hug. "You saved me and for that I owe you one."

"You don't owe me anything just stay safe." I pulled away from her. She followed us to the car thanking us the whole time.

She left when we got in the car. This time I sat in the back with Darren as Sam let Carter drive. Carter drove us to the hotel La Quinta Inn. Sam got two rooms and was very displeased when I roomed with Darren.

First off Sam did not want to be stuck with carter and second Darren and me obviously is more than just friends, but he was just going to have to deal with it. Once settled I sat on the bed and sighed playing with my fingers.

"So, um I was thinking.. no never mind." Darren spoke.

"What is it?" I questioned.

He took a big gulp and sat next to me "Do you want to date me?"

I stopped playing with my fingers and looked at him. "We are already close and I don't know I just want to be closer to you. Every time I look at you I feel a spark in my head saying you're the one for me and I want to keep you with me by my side for a very long time." He softly said.

Instead of saying anything I leaned in to kiss him. He instantly kissed me back and then I pulled away.

"Lets make history together Mr. Smith."

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