Chapter 3: Doctor's Puppet

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Luigi shuddered a bit not knowing what to do. The large hand that slammed in front of Luigi was Bowser. Luigi was afraid to look at him, as he knew he couldn't get himself out of this situation. "What do you think you're doing", Bowser said with a low growl in his voice. Luigi didn't answer as whatever he said would make the situation worse. Luigi tried to think of an excuse very quickly in order to soften the situation. "I-I didn't know who's book this was so I wanted to know who it belongs to". Bowser slammed the book shut and on the front cover was his name written on it. (Shit!). "Try again". "I.....I...". Luigi couldn't lie, he was so terrible at it. " me", Luigi said sadly. Bowser picked up his book and skimmed through the pages. "Y'know, I could have you fired for this". "Please don't, I didn't read anything"! Bowser inched closer to Luigi making him trip and fall back on the ground. Bowser towered over him with a very intimidating gaze. "I know you're lying, don't you think I would've been known my book was missing". "That....that means"?. Bowser stood quietly burning him with this fiery gaze. "I watched you, I left it by accident but I didn't think someone like you would peek through. I thought maybe I could walk in grab it and go....but here we are". Luigi didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do. Bowser crouched down in front of him and gave him a dark smirk. "I could use you y' know". Luigi for one looked at him in his eyes. "What!?". "Well if you could help me with Peach, well that'd be great". Luigi couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't possibly do that to his brother. "I can't, She's with Mario, I can't do that to him". "C' mon I see how you are with Mario, ever since you were a janitor I barely see you two together anymore". Luigi knew that Bowser was right, he also knew Mario would flip if he got fired. "So help me, and we can forget this ever happened".

Luigi got up from his bed and sighed. He had left work way later than he intended. He was kinda relieved that he didn't have to be in until late tonight today, so he could spend some time home before he leaves. He got up and left his room and noticed that Mario was nowhere to be found. "He must've gotten up early today". Sometimes Mario would leave the house without telling him which would make him worry sometimes, but Luigi knew he could handle himself. As he sat on the couch he flicked through a few stations until he came across a movie channel. "This should stall for time". He sat for about an hour until he heard the door open. Luigi looked back and saw Mario, but his face was all red. He walked up to Luigi and Luigi could see the smoke coming from his ears. "Luigi what the hell!". Luigi jumped up and flinched from his brother's yelling. "What, what's going on". Mario slammed his hands on the couch yelling louder. "You got promoted!". Luigi was confused," I....aren't you happy for me"? "Luigi!, you're going to be Bowser's assistant! That guy is nothing but bad news, his methods of helping people are more reckless than Wario!". "I..just didn't want to be a janitor...I thought you'd be happy". Mario grumbled under his breath, "What made you agree so quickly. Bowser said you were delighted to work with him". Luigi started to shatter on the inside. Bowser must've said he was delighted to mess with Mario. "I thought that I could do this so I could be like you". Mario lowered his tone with Luigi. Luigi could still see anger on his brother's face even though he was trying to calm down. "You could've, asked me, I know you'll be my assistant", Mario said. Mario was going to walk out again, but Luigi grabbed onto him. "N-no". "What...why not"!? "I already signed papers with him". Mario ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Luigi let go of Mario and he walked out slamming the door. Luigi felt like crying, but he had to get ready for his new position in a few minutes.

Luigi walked in with new attire. He had a pale green button-up shirt and brown pants to compliment them. When he walked in he caught the attention of Wario who walking around. "Ooooh, I heard Janitor got promoted to King Janitor hahaha". Luigi's face turned bright red as Wario walked closer to whisper in his ear. "Now just because you got a little step up, doesn't mean shit got it, you are still the lowlife Janitor". Wario spun around as he gave Luigi a mocking stare. As he walked out of view he felt arms wrap around him. "LUIGIII~". Luigi jumped a bit as he saw Daisy standing behind him. She made a pouting face and placed her hands on her hips. "When were you gonna tell me you got a promotion". "I got the promotion last night how was I gonna tell you"? "Hmmm you're right, oh well. But is it true you're working with Bowser"? Luigi nodded and sighed. "Scary...just remember, if he does anything mean to you, I'll set him straight". Daisy rolled up her sleeves and did a light punch on Luigi's arms. Luigi blushed as she was so cute when she acts all tough. Daisy pulled out her pager and sighed. "Oh no, I'm needed, I think DK tried to use his mallet again". "Oh no you better hurry", Luigi gasped. As Luigi said that all you see down a hall is DK running with a mallet and Roselina chasing him. "DK"!!! She ran after him and Luigi sighed. "This hospital stays active doesn't it".

Luigi walked up to Bowser Office with sweaty palms. "I can't believe I'm doing this". Luigi took a deep breath and opened the door. Bowser was sitting at his desk twirling a pen between his fingers with a smirk on his face. "'s nice to see you".

Doctor's Orders (Bowser X Luigi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang