Chapter 21: Too Far

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It's been a couple of Days and Bowser felt his plan to Take over Peach's heart was about to be a success. Peach has been ignoring Mario for a while and been talking to Bowser. Yeah, she really wasn't 100% interested in whatever Bowser had to say, but Bowser believed they were madly in love with each other. He had everything set the perfect tea and the perfect setting. Peach walked into his office and sat by his desk. "thank you for inviting me", she said as Bowser pour her a cup. "don't mention it".

Luigi was helping Daisy out with the children since Waluigi called out sick. "Thanks for helping me out, I think one of the kids gave Waluigi a stomach virus". "No problem". Luigi helped feed and change all the newborns before preparing them for their nap. "Children are such a joy I'm so happy that I can do this for a living, and with my bestie". Bowser has been inviting Peach for tea without his knowledge so he found himself hanging out with Daisy more. It's gotten to a habit where Luigi would go to her office first instead of Bowser. He's been recently getting this warm feeling around her that just refuses to go away. "Daisy I'm here", Rosalina said walking in. Rosalina careful took the baby that Luigi was holding. "Thanks for helping Luigi", Dasiy said. Luigi smiled blushing. "I was happy to help". As Luigi left he stood by the door as he felt his face heat up. The feeling was very familiar and he knew what it was. Luigi was beginning to fall in love with Daisy.

Bowser got up to escort Peach to her office. They walked and talked all while avoiding Luigi. As Bowser walked in her office to finish the last bit of her conversation, he had totally thrown out all of his feelings for Luigi. He was delighted to finally stop thinking about that green bastard. "What are you doing this weekend". "Nothing, no plans". Well If you don't mind, there is a Traditional Japanese tea shop in my kingdom, if you'd like to see". Peach was very hesitant, she didn't know what she was getting herself into. "Sure I'd love it". Bowser smiled and left. He did it, that was a date, Luigi is useless now.

As Luigi was walking around to get back to Bowser's office he noticed Bowser and peach in the distance. Although it was nice seeing them being somewhat friendly, it felt weird about how close they were together. Luigi felt jealous looking at them. He swore Bowser said he was over her and was interested in him...but what if he was wrong. Bowser only said he liked him, but not love. Luigi tried to shake that thought away until he saw Peach give Bowser a hug before they both went into her office. Luigi grumbled as he walked to Bowser's office to cool off a bit.

Luigi sat in the office doing work until Bowser walked in. "Hello, Bowser". Bowser stood to give Luigi the final news for him. "Luigi". "Yeah"? Luigi looked at Bowser a bit confused as he looked like he was fumbling with his words.

Bowser Growled. (Why....why can't I say it). Bowser wanted to tell Luigi that he's no longer needed, but no matter what he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't know what was stopping him or why he just wanted to end it. "Jr wanted you to come today to play his game". (Damn it). Luigi smiled in delight," oh sure thing". Luigi went back to work as Bowser sat at his desk. He was flustered and confused about why he couldn't break his heart. He didn't know what to do, he was set on Peach, but didn't have the courage to shatter Luigi.

Bowser made it to his castle along with Luigi. Luigi noticed that Bowser was acting very strange, constantly mumbling to himself and barely holding a conversation. As they walked through the door Jr was there with a big smile. "Mr. Luigi", Jr said giving him a hug. Bowser watched as Jr took Luigi over to his game so they could start playing. Bowser sat nearby in his kitchen as he worked on a few things still wondering how to break it to Luigi. (Why can't I get the words out, it's not that hard). Bowser looked over to the two and his heart warmed up a bit. He never saw Jr this happy with someone else besides him. He smiled lightly to himself seeing his son be happy. He realized that if be broke Luigi's heart, then Jr would lose him too. Bowser was extremely conflicted with emotions, not knowing what was right and what was wrong.

Hours when by and Jr ended up falling asleep. Luigi picked him up and took him to his room. To lay him down. Luigi walked out and felt a bit nervous. He didn't know why, but he had this bad feeling. He liked Bowser a lot, but deep down he felt his love for Dasiy was a tad stronger. He sighed and headed back downstairs with Bowser who was working. "You enjoy yourself"? Luigi laughed, "He takes all the energy out of yah". He sat down across from him as he still worked. Luigi felt like he was in a terrible position. Bowser sighed, care to watch a movie with me. Luigi nodded and they both walked over to the couch. Luigi was still feeling a bit anxious and didn't sit that close to Bowser. "Hey, can I ask you this", Luigi Asked. Bowser looked puzzled, "What is it, Something wrong"? "Well I, are we going to work". Bowser was confused," What do you mean. "I mean, what are we a couple or just friends with benefits or just complicated". "What, what do you mean"? "I just, I don't think you noticed, but I did. I noticed that you've been avoiding me and hanging out with Peach. I thought you were over her". Bowser felt hurt and he didn't know why with could work in his favor. This could be how he shatters his heart. But with the slip of the tongue, his words went against him. "We're just friends, there is nothing to worry about ok". Luigi still had a bit of doubt in his mind, he wanted to love him but was so conflicted. "Do you not trust me, after all, I've done for you? I made sure Mario didn't bother you or treat you like a dog didn't I". Bowser felt deep with emotion, he was upset that Luigi was starting not to trust him. Bowser cornered Luigi," So tell me why don't you trust me after I've done so much for you, and you accuse me of being with Peach. Well, we're just friends and you know it. Bowser didn't know why he was so mad. No, he did know why he was mad. Those feelings hidden behind his love for Peach wouldn't go away and seemed to fill him up with emotion. Bowser soon realized why he couldn't ditch Luigi. This sad green man that's been nice to him ever since he expressed fake emotions to him. Became someone who he began to love. Bowser was so fueled by emotions that he forced a kiss on Luigi. He used his strength to keep him from moving while he took advantage of him. Luigi felt very uncomfortable, and almost scared as Bowser was trying to take his clothes off. Bowser's grip started to get very tight that it started to hurt him. He used all of his fear to shove Bowser off of him and on the ground. They both stared at each other before Luigi began crying. He ran off. "Luigi", Bowser yelled.

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