Chapter 38: Miracle Drug

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Luigi walked into Wario's office only to see Waluigi. "Oh, is Wario not here". "He is, he had to step out for a bit", Waluigi said as he looked at Wario's medicine. "Do you need something in particular", He asked. Waluigi sighed," Wario have been lazy with creating this miracle drug, so I thought I might try to put my own hand in things". "Oh um Ok". Luigi sat at one Wario's couch and Waluigi found what he was looking for. He walked out while placing the medicine swiftly in his chest pocket. Moments later after Waluigi left Wario walked in. "Ah I see you're here already, let's see what we have on today's agenda. Luigi was ready for whatever Wario had planned since his focus was on how angry Bowser made him. "Huh, that's weird where did it go", Wario said. "Something wrong"? Wario opened his bag," I'm missing some medicine, did anyone come in beside you". "Waluigi was here, but he made it seem like you knew". Wario hesitantly looked at his bag and sighed," Oh, Y-yeah I forgot". He closed his bag and walked over to Luigi with a couple of pills. "Take this one and tell me how you feel". Luigi took the pill and his throat felt like it was closing up. He grabbed his throat and Wario quickly gave him the other one to take. "shit shit, Why won't this work". Wario went to his chemical table and started mixing stuff around. Then Daisy walked in. "Hey~". She walked up to Wario, but he was so sidetracked to give her attention. So instead she walked over to Luigi to talk quietly with him. "How are you feeling, did you sleep well"? "Well I slept crammed up in a closet, so I am aching a bit". "Did he find you"? "He caught me at the elevator trying to apologize, but I didn't want to hear it". Wario walked up to him with a liquid. "Drink this". Luigi took the cup and swirled it around before taking a big gulp. "You just take the medicine like that"? Luigi nodded before quickly grabbing his stomach. "Ok...Ok, this hurts really bad". Luigi fell on the ground curling up in a ball. Daisy and Wario began to panic a bit. Luigi's face turned a deep red as his nose started to bleed. "What the hell this never happened before", Wario said running to his chemicals. Daisy stayed by Luigi trying to help him up but Luigi started to groan in pain. Daisy ran to Wario at his medicine table panicking. "Wario hurry"! Wario began to mix and match chemicals while Daisy was frantically moving her hands. She accidentally knocked a chemical over spilling it in the one Wario was working on. "Oh no," she panics afraid that Wario was going to get really mad and that there wouldn't be medicine to help Luigi. Wario got irritated and watched as the medicine bubbled and smoked up until it turned into a Like green color. Wario looked at the glass as the color mimicked a 1 up. "Luigi drink this". He ran to Luigi and got him to sip some up. Luigi jumped up as if nothing happened. "Uh, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore". Wario looked at the glass with the green liquid and got all giddy. He ran over to his desk and began writing down notes of everything in the glass. "Luigi one last test". He went over and placed the glass next to Luigi and pulled out a pocket knife. "W-Wario what are you doing with that!", Luigi said as he got a bit nervous. Daisy was extremely concerned as well not knowing what he was up to. He placed the knife on Luigi's forearm and with a clean flick of his wrist, cut Luigi extremely bad. Blood began to run out as Luigi winced in pain. "WARIO WHAT THE HELL"!? Daisy panicked a bit, but Wario picked up the glass with green liquids and got Luigi to drink it again. He then stared at Luigi's cut while also looking at his watch. "1...2...3...4...-" Right after the 4th second the cut closed with the blood leftover his arm being sucked back into it. "I-It healed you. Luigi do you feel anything, like side effects"!? Wario had his notebook ready for notes. "Well I just feel very energetic, but before you gave me the second dose it wore off a couple of seconds after. Wario's eyes sparkled as he looked back at the medicine. "I-Its complete.... it works, years of research and work...Daisy". Wario gave Daisy a big hug lifting her in the air while jumping around," Daisy if it wasn't for your rash clumsy nature this medicine would have never worked. Daisy jokingly made a smug face looking at her nail," yeah y' know it happens. He gave her a light kiss on her cheek which made her face turn red. Luigi giggled as if she were standing next to Mario her red face would match his red hat. He held her hand and gave her a cheeky smile, and this clumsy woman will be going to dinner with me to celebrate. "And you can come too, but I'm not paying for you because I don't have a lot hehe", Wario said. "I wasn't expecting it", Luigi sighed. He labeled the medicine and sat it in a cabinet. "Time to go". They all walked out of the office. "Oh wait I have to tell Waluigi", Wario said as he was headed to Daisy's office. "I can't believe Wario did it, think of all the lives we can save", Daisy said. Wario walked back out, but he didn't look to thrilled. "Wario is something wrong", Luigi asked. "oh um no, I winded down a but to not wake the kids, that's all....yet that's all", Wario said. Luigi could tell that something was wrong but he just brushed it off. Luigi went into his pocket and didn't feel his phone. "I left my phone let me grab it real quick", Luigi said. He got in the elevator to Wario's office and hummed a peaceful tune. The elevator stopped and opened the door to which Luigi's heart sank. Mario stood there staring back at him. Mario got in but stood facing away from Luigi. It stopped again and this time Bowser was on the other side. Luigi glared at him and walked to the back corner of the elevator to keep him from standing next to him. The ride up the elevator felt like decades. Luigi felt like Bowser was staring at him trying to get his attention, but Luigi ignored him. He noticed out the corner of his eye Mario looking back at him. Luigi grew Irritated, the elevator stopped on his floor and Bowser was in his but didn't move. "Bowser you're in my way", Luigi said. "O-oh I am"? "Yes you are, now get out of my way". Bowser moved and Luigi could feel the pain Bowser was feeling but he didn't care one bit.

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