Chapter 9: You're Pathetic

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Luigi nervously walked to Mario's office and used the keys to open the door. As he peeked in he didn't see Mario at all. His office was so luxurious with all these plants and paintings of different worlds he's been to. Luigi walked close to his desk and found some paperwork that was very recent. "This looks right". He grabbed an ok amount that looked extremely important and looked over to a very big shredder. Luigi froze for a moment thinking about what he's about to do. "Is this right, maybe I should just pretend that I shredded it". Luigi looked over on Mario's desk and he saw a picture of Him and Peach. The photo looked very familiar and looked like it was folded. He examined the image further and he felt his brain shut off.


"Hey boys let's get a picture together". Peach had set up a camera and Mario and Luigi posed with her. Mario on her right and Luigi on her left. The picture was very simple and once the flash came on the went to she the picture. "It looks perfect", she said happily. Bother Mario and Luigi smiled at each other when they also saw the lovely picture.


Luigi looked at the picture and noticed that the left side was folded. The side he was on was non-existent. Luigi walked up to that shredder and without hesitation feed the paper through it. When he was done he stood back in front of his desk and sighed.

The door opened behind him and his eyes widen. He turned around to see Mario staring at him. Mario didn't look happy at all to see him and he gave Luigi a very disgusted look. "What are you doing in my office"? Luigi froze as he saw Mario angry look. "What are you doing in my office", Mario said with more base in his voice. Luigi snapped to and tried to think of something really quickly. "I came to find you". Mario raised a brow as the room went silent once again. "What is it, I don't have all day". Luigi went into his pockets hoping to find something to give to him. "Oh no, I think I dropped it"... Luigi started to pay around his pockets to make Mario buy his act. "I have to go look for it, give me a moment to find it. As Luigi walked past Mario, he gripped his tie. Mario pulled him down to eye level," Don't come into my office when you're not given permission to got it, I don't care what you have to give me, don't get anywhere where you have no business being". Mario let go and walked to his desk. Luigi walked out and began to have a panic attack. (That was too close). Luigi decided to go home for the night to rest and process everything that happened today. As he walked in he plopped on the couch letting his mind run ramped. He was about to ruin his brother's life and it'll be his fault. He flicked on the TV and decided to watch some TV before bed. He binged through a couple of shows and heard the front door open. He looked surprised as it was Mario. It's been days since Mario been home since he always seems to spend the night with Peach all the time. Not saying a word to Luigi he went straight to his room. (guess he doesn't want to talk). Luigi turned the TV down and decided to cook himself a little dinner before bed. He walked into the kitchen and pulled out some chicken and mushrooms. "I'll make something quick with this". The aroma of food filled the kitchen as he quickly threw all the ingredients together. After he was done he made two plates, on for him and one for Mario. He was going to hand-deliver it to him to be nice, but once in front of his door, he started to shake. His palms sweaty, breathing heavy, he didn't know what to do. He decided to place Mario's plate on the table and wrote a note saying it was. Luigi sat on the couch and began to eat while watching some TV.

Luigi emptied his plate and went to go place it in the kitchen until he heard the front doorbell ring. "Who could that be"? He quickly scurried to the door to answer it. He opened the door slightly and his heart dropped at the sight of Bowser. Luigi tried to close the door, but again Bowser placed his foot in between the door and the frame. "That's not how you treat all your guest is it". "G-go away Mario is here". "What oooooh no whatever shall I do". Bowser forced the door open causing Luigi to stumble. He smiled," What you can't have friends over unless you have Mario's permission"? Luigi started to stress a little as he closes the door and sat on his couch. "So I came here to tell you something". Luigi sat next to him and he got close to his ear. "He knows that his work is missing". Luigi started to get nervous, Bowser was making it seem like he was already caught. "Don't worry I don't think he's gonna blame you, he's your brother after all hehe". Bowser pulled a beer can out of his pocket and handed it to him. At that same time, he heard Mario's door open. "Luigi who- You"!. Bowser smirked at Mario," Hello Mario". Mario started yelling at Luigi," Luigi why is he in our house". Luigi shuddered as he didn't know what to say. "Oh, he didn't tell you he invited me over for a drink". Mario sighed," Is that true". Luigi didn't look at Mario but nodded in agreement. "Sure...Bowser leave my brother alone go home". "Oh really, I mean He told me that you always have people over he doesn't like so why can't he have someone you don't like".  "Luigi never had any issue with the people I invited over, stop speaking for him". Bowser and Mario just continued to bicker while Luigi sat in silence sipping the beer Bowser brought. "Earth to Luigi"! Mario slammed his hands on the couch to intimidate Luigi. "Use you're head think for once stop acting dumb, I tell you time and time again that Bowser is no good to be around, so get your shit together". Luigi placed his drink down on the table in front of him and got up. "Bowser, please leave". Luigi looked at Bowser from the corner of his eyes and say pure darkness and disappointment protrude from them. "Ok I forgot I have to watch my son anyway", Bowser smiled. Luigi walked with Bowser to the door as Mario sat on the couch. Bowser mumbled under his breath enough for Luigi to hear. "Come with me outside". Luigi walked outside with Bowser where his happy face turned to disappointment and anger. He pinned Luigi to a wall and growled in his ear. "I'm so disappointed in you, letting Mario speak to you in such a manner. I'm starting to hate you now because of how weak you are. You're nothing but Mario's pathetic little bitch". Luigi was lost for words as Bowser walked away from him. He sighed and decided to go back inside and endure Mario's yelling some more.

Doctor's Orders (Bowser X Luigi)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum