Chapter 44: Only One

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Daisy sat with Wario who was silent throughout the night. He was drinking coffee that Waluigi made him before the incident to try and calm himself down. He rested his head on Daisy's shoulder while holding her hand. Luigi found them and walked over to sit with them. He started to get this uneasy feeling as today's events just seemed to exhaust him. "Hey Luigi", Daisy said. "I'm going to take Wario home for a bit to collect some things." "Ok, be safe."

Luigi was left alone with his thoughts, who knew his life would take a huge turn when Bowser threatened him to be his assistant for going through his things. Part of him wished he'd stayed a janitor, but he knew he would've been trapped in the shadow of Mario. Luigi was happy, without Bowser, he didn't know where he'd be. Luigi stood up and decided to check on the situation with Toadsworth or Bowser.

"Hey Toadsworth, how's everything." Toadsworth sighed," The way this is looking, Mario might take months to recover, but Waluigi. Literally years". Luigi grumbled a bit, "What's going to happen to them when they wake up?" Toadsworth looked nauseous, the entire situation must be getting to him. "Waluigi's little plot is definitely getting him fired, For Mario, I'm not sure."

Toad ran out of the ER in a panic, "Toadsworth we need you!" "What's wrong, doesn't Bowser know what to do?" "Well yeah, but he seemed to be getting frustrated and Waluigi started to bleed out and Bowser just froze!" Luigi got up and Ran to the ER, he had to see what was wrong. Luigi threw on a mask and a hat along with gloves and walked it to see Waluigi bleeding out slowly. Bowser stood with his hands hovering over Waluigi's body. His eyes just jolted everywhere. "I-I've never seen so many injuries. I don't know what to do, I fix one and another breaks." Luigi gently spoke to Bowser," You can do this, I believe in you." Bowser looked at Luigi and went back into Waluigi to try again.

Luigi watched as Bowser patched and fixed each bone, but something wasn't right. He felt a cold chill in the air, whenever Bowser would fix something. Luigi began to shiver and now noticed Bowser shaking slightly. Luigi walked up to Waluigi's head and saw him begin to wake up. "B-Bowser he's waking up!". Bowser grumbled as a rased a sheet to divide his face from his open body. "We need him to go back to sleep." A couple of Toads ran around preparing the ketamine while Luigi stared at Waluigi. He looked deep into his eyes, they looked empty as a small smirk grew on his face. His lips began to move and the words that came out were cold and paralyzing. Luigi stumbled back as his heart raced from anxiety. Waluigi's face froze as the heart monitor rang through the room. "We're losing him!" Bowser looked at the damage inside Waluigi once more, all the patch up work started to slowly tear apart. "Everyone stand back."

Peach and Toadsworth sat outside the ER waiting for the results. Luigi walked out first followed by Bowser. The faces riped of any emotion. "Waluigi?",Peach asked. "We lost him." Peach teared up a bit as Luigi remained puzzled. "We need, to get Wario back here immediately." The attention came to Luigi, "Before Waluigi died, he told me something." "W-What, what did he say?"

"... I'm taking Wario with me."

Daisy decided to take Wario to her place since it was closer and sat in the kitchen. Daisy would occasionally look at Wario as she noticed his skin getting paler by the second. Dark circles formed around his eyes. "D-Daisy.", He said in one breath. Daisy looked at him and gasp as blood started leaking out of his mouth. "I...I don't f-feel so good." Wario fell over and started to have a seizure. Daisy panicked and ran to him as she saw him turning red and then a faint blue.

Luigi was running as fast as he could to Daisy's house. He knew that her place was closer and that she would probably head there first. "I'm Coming Dasiy!" He burst through the door and ran through the house looking for them. He heard Sobbing and found them in the kitchen. Wario was pale with foam coming from his mouth. Luigi ran to Wario and felt for a pulse. "It's extremely faint, but he can be saved". Luigi rummaged through Wario's pockets to find the same medicine he used on him before. He looked at Daisy and they both nodded. "Second times the charm", Luigi said as he slipped the pill in Wario's Mouth. Wario began to turn back to his normal color, but It still seems like the medicine wasn't working fast enough.

Daisy and Luigi heard loud footsteps coming towards them which belonged to Bowser. He walked over and picked Wario up, "Let's go we don't have time."

Hours pass and Wario was recovering slowly. Daisy stayed by his side While Luigi and Bowser took a break in the Locker room. "Who's working on Mario?" "Toadsworth, they should have results in about a couple hours from now." They sat quietly together Luigi feeling emotionally drained. Bowser tried to hold Luigi's hand, but he wiggled his hands away. "Do you still not trust me?" Luigi was nervous but nodded silently. "I don't blame you, it's good that you don't trust me at this moment. It gives me a chance to grow and change. And I want to make that change now." Bowser placed his hand again on Luigi's and stared into his eyes. "Marry Me!" Luigi's face flushed from all emotion. "W-what?" Bowser got up to kneel in front of him. "You don't have to to say yes right away, I understand it's a big question, but I know this is the only way I can show you that you can trust me." Luigi was still astonished, he didn't know what to say, he knew if he says no then he would hurt Bowser and himself, but it was too soon to say yes. "Can you give me some time please." Bowser nodded," Take all the time you need."

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