Chapter 43: Accident

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Mario was on top of Peach shielding her from the falling glass that struck him in the back. Peach moved from under him and called his name. "Mario, Mario"! She began to worry as she received no response. She looked at his body and gasp as she noticed that 2 shards of glass went straight through his body. She felt his neck and gave a sigh of relief when she felt a pulse. She got up to quickly examine Waluigi. She inched close enough to first get a good overview of his body. She then got closer, "W-Waluigi"? She jumped back as He began to twitch and gasp for air moaning in pain. "He's still alive"!? She ran to him trying to get him to calm down. "Waluigi don't move too much". She heard footsteps coming from various directions. She looked around to see all her friends coming to aid her.

"Wario what happened"? Luigi was trying to get an answer out of him for the past 10 minutes, but he was getting nothing out of him. Like a bolt of lightning, he ran off. Luigi went to chase Wario before tackling him pinning him on the ground. Wario tried to squirm from Luigi's grasp but he was too full of emotion to do so. He began cry sobbing heavily on the floor. "What's going on". Luigi looked around and saw Daisy walking from the locker room. Wario saw her and lunged to give her a hug. "I thought something bad happened to you", Wario said. "N-no what are you talking about, I went to the ladies' room when I got called in, d-did you guys hear that crash". She held him softly as he wept," I did something bad". She looked a bit confused and looked over at the broken window. She let Wario go to take a small peak. Wario tried to stop her, but she was too curious. She looked over the edge and her face went pale in a matter of seconds. Luigi's phone began to ring and he quickly answered. "Yeah". "-Luigi come quick, Waluigi is still alive and Mario is in critical condition-". Luigi and Daisy ran as Wario stayed behind.

Luigi and Daisy barged in Waluigi's ER where they could see his eyes wide open jolting to every corner of the room. Toadsworth walked towards them and sighed. "What's going on how is he", Daisy asked. Toadsworth grumbled," As terrible as he seems, I don't think he going to be able to feel anything from the waist down. Not only that his right arm is shattered, and the back of his skull is cracked". Luigi sighed as he couldn't imagine the amount of pain that Waluigi was in. "Where is Wario", Waluigi kept mumbling his name. They both walked over to Waluigi and they could hear under his breath that he was calling out to Wario. "Where is Mario?", Luigi asked. Toadsworth grumbled," He's also in very critical condition, the glass the impaled him severed several major organs, if kept in too long he could die in seconds". "Can we take em out", Luigi asked. "N-no if we take a single piece out with too much haste he'll bleed out in seconds". Luigi started to get nervous to the point of almost vomiting. "Tell us what you need us to do sir", Daisy said.

Hours pass and there was no hope for either of them. Luigi looked at Mario, despite his condition he couldn't feel any sympathy for his brother, no matter how hard he tried. He stared at him for hours seeing if he can get a single tear to drop, but nothing was working. "You don't feel bad for him do you?", Peach said walking behind him. Luigi looked at her and back at Mario," The things he said to me, the way he treated me, those memories keep me from crying". "...Luigi, why did you let Mario talk you into cheating"? Luigi smirked giving Peach a little wink," Because I was a Dumb man that believed everything his brother did was right, heh it wasn't until Bowser knocked some sense into me, that I realized that". She smiled a bit, staring at Mario. She felt the same way Luigi did about Mario, she couldn't even think of sad things to force herself to cry. Daisy walked in," I found Wario again, he's with Toadsworth explaining everything to him." "I hope he's going to be alright", Peach sighed. Luigi's phone began to ring filling the silent room. Bowser was calling, Luigi gulped as he did leave without him knowing. "He-Hello." "Luigi where did you go, I was worried", Bowser said. Luigi explained everything that happened until now leaving Bowser speechless. "B-Bowser are you still there?", Luigi asked. "I'll be right there". Bowser hung up leaving butterflies in his stomach.

Bowser had walked in the hospital ready to work. Luigi had run up to him wondering what he was going to do. "Bowser, why are you here", Luigi asked. He smiled and patted Luigi's head," I'm here to save lives." Luigi held Bowser's hand afraid to look him in the eyes. "Don't worry they'll be ok", Bowser said. He walked away leaving Luigi to only hope.

Update: Sorry this Chapter took sooooo long and I am aware that it's also a bit short. But with all the crap that's going on in the world, it's hard to fully focus. But don't worry I'll work on the last few Chapters soon.

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