Chapter 10: Deal with the Devil

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Luigi didn't get a lot of sleep that night. Not only did Mario yell at him and made him feel like crap. Bowser called him weak and Pathetic. He was afraid to go into work since he was because he knew something was going to spiral down today. He still got up and ready for work hoping today would be quick.

Luigi walked in the doors of the hospital and saw Wario and Mario arguing once again. "I've been over this Many time, my medicine is no longer 25% but 50%, I have a 50% chance to fully heal a patient". "What's the other 50%"? "That I'd do the opposite, but that's why I need a bit more funding, this medicine could work you know I'm good at my craft". Mario shook his head," for the last time were not funding something that's just going to eat up a lot of money and won't work". "That's why if we give it a momentary high price tag we can make up for it". Mario rolled his eyes and walked away greatly irritating Wario. Wario kicked a chair over and looked over at Luigi. "Pick it up", he said before walking away. Luigi sighed while he placed the chair back in it's. Position. Guess it's time to start work.

Luigi walked into Bowser's," Good morning". Bowser looked at Luigi not saying anything back. (Is he still mad at me)? Luigi sat at his desk and Bowser got up to place a large stack of papers on his desk, "Do it". He sat back down and Luigi sighed. (This is going to keep me here all day). He started to do his work diligently, however, Luigi felt that Bowser was watching him. Out the corners of his eyes, he could see him for a brief moment staring at him. But when Luigi would look over at him he'd look away.

A few moments later Mario walked into his office. Bowser looked at him a rolled his eyes. "What"!? "I'm here to talk to him", Mario said pointing at Luigi. Mario walked around to Luigi and gripped his collar. "I know it was you". "What"? "I know you did something to my work, where is it"!? "I don't know what you're talking about"? "I left my office and my paperwork was there, but when I come back I see you and after you left it was gone". "I don't know what paperwork you're talking about I went in there to see you that's all". Mario started to raise his voice. "I know it was you it has to be". "You could've misplaced it, I don't know where it is don't you trust me". Mario didn't say anything. Luigi noticed Bowser get up from his desk. "Don't you see I'm talking to my 'Brother'". Bowser grabbed his collar and threw him out of his office. "Don't come into my office yelling, I don't care who you are". Bowser slammed the door and locked it. Bowser walked to Luigi and growled, "Pathetic". He walked to his desk and laid his head down. Luigi felt very upset he doesn't know what to do. He knew Mario was probably under a lot of stress, so that's why he probably yelled. Luigi started to blame himself more and more while he worked until I was almost late at night.

Bowser got up from his desk," Come with me". Luigi got up and went, he wasn't sure what Bowser wanted, but he had a feeling that it wasn't good. They walked and walked until they arrived at the hospital locker room. Since it was late at night no one was there and it was just empty. Bowser took Luigi all the way to the back of the room and he sat down on a bench. Luigi stood in front of him still wondering what he wanted. "What do you want"? "Strip". Luigi faced turned very bright red. "W-what"!? "Take your clothes off, I'm waiting". Bowser had a smirk on his face and Luigi don't move. "C'mon Luigi, take it off, or I'm gonna tear your clothes off, I wanna see every inch". Luigi didn't know what to do, he didn't want to do it, but he felt like there is no other choice. He slowly started to take his clothes off starting with his tie once he got to the top button of his shirt Bowser stopped him. Bowser got up and looked very displeased. "So you're going to do it, you literally have so many options to not do it but here you are". Bowser smirked and laughed aloud. "I see now, how pathetic, you rather do what you're told than disobey someone, no wonder Mario walks all over you". Bowser's laughing got louder and louder and Luigi felt terrible. He started to feel something he never felt before. His body seemed to move on his own as he gripped Bowser's collar. "STOP LAUGHING". Luigi never raised his voice at anyone so he kinda hurt his throat a bit. Bowser looked Luigi in his sharp blue eyes and smiled clapping his hands. He went up to hold them," That's what I like to see". Luigi was confused. "I've been trying to get under your skin to get you to snap, I want to see how angry you can get". Bowser's smile resembles a demented demon given power. "Doesn't it feel amazing, to let that anger out, to let it flourish". Bowser backed up," Put your tie back on, I'm gonna buy you a drink". Luigi grabbed his tie off the ground and began to fiddle with it, trying to get it on. He was still having an adrenaline rush from yelling and was shaking. Bowser got up and grabbed his tie and fixed it for him. Luigi got a tad flustered from how close Bowser's face got to his while he was fixing it. "I'm proud of you, k' now, soon Mario will be thrown off his high horse and Peach will be mine, as it should. Then you're work for me will be done, we get to see Mario suffer together". Bowser looked very evil in his plot to destroy Mario, he knows that Wario doesn't like Mario, but he never seen someone have so much deep-rooted hatred for him. (Could this be what Mario meant by he's no good)?

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