Chapter 32: Favoritism

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Wario was rushed out to one of the hospital rooms leaving a couple of them behind. "Luigi I have to go check on Wario", Bowser said as he also walked out. Luigi followed behind and stood by the door. "Luigi", He heard a voice call to him. "I have to get Waluigi and tell him I'll be back", Daisy said in a panic. This left Luigi alone with Mario and Peach. Mario walked out and angrily stomped up to Luigi. "Do you have any idea what you did", Mario said. "I saved his life simple I don't see the problem", Luigi grumbled. Mario swung his arms in a mocking motion," Listen here folk he doesn't seem to see the problem". "No one knew what you were doing, and honestly everyone probably thought that you'd make the situation worse", Mario sighed. "I knew exactly what to do, Wario told me before a meeting that if he has a bad reaction to one of the medicines he's working on, he'll take those pills", Luigi said. "And what if it made it worse, surely you didn't factor that in". Luigi shuddered as Mario continuously mocked his intelligence. "You're just as reckless as Bowser, but I guess his personality probably did go 'inside you', you're so unfit to be a doctor". "What makes YOU so sure". Mario walked up to Luigi whispering in his ear, but it was loud enough for Peach who was viewing the argument hear. "I know that you're a damn dirty cheat". Luigi had it, pure rage and instinct kicked in and he punched Mario dead in his mouth. Mario stumbled back," You...You hit me". "I'll Fucking do it again", Luigi yelled. They both began to tussle on the ground punching each other constantly, creating small pools of blood on the ground. "BOYS STOP"! Peach demanded. Peach's voice did nothing but echo through the hallway as patients left and right came to view the fight. Peach didn't know what to do, if they continued to fight then they could end up killing each other. They both started to grow tired blood dripping down their faces. Mario punched Luigi back on the ground while he fell to his knees. "MARIO, LUIGI". The crowd of patients parted ways for Toadsworth to get to them. "OFFICE NOW". "Toadsworth, they're in no condition to-", Peach said trying to defend them. "Well crawl then", Toadsworth grumbled. Mario slowly walked to his before collapsing on his knees crawling the rest of the way. Luigi, on the other hand, was fully capable of walking all the way.

Mario and Luigi sat in the office Luigi swaying a bit. Toadsworth didn't know what to say he was very disappointed in them. "Toadsworth listen", Mario pleaded "Shut up". Mario looked away. "Do you have any idea what you did to the reputation of this hospital, you both should be ashamed". "Mario I expected better from you, being head doctor, you're suspended until further notice". Mario jumped out of his seat to tell, but blood spewed out. Mario covered his mouth as he gaged a bit. "Out of my sight", he demanded. Mario walked out fuming. "Now you", Toadsworth said. "I would have never thought I'd be yelling at you again". Luigi's breathing became stagnant waiting for Toadsworth judgment. "You cheated on the medical exams which were a big no in my book, you promised me that you'd do better, yet here we are". Luigi snapped," You don't understand at all, having a Fucking brother always belittle you, always being stuck in his shadow". Toadsworth grumbled to himself," well you don't have to worry about that...Luigi, you're fired". "Fired"? "Yes, you Cheated on your medical exams in the past, turned the hospital into yours and Mario's wrestling ring and acting extremely reckless when Helping Wario". "Wario would've been dead". "How are you so sure that what you did would've made it worse". Luigi sighed and stood up," Again Mario is favored over me, figures". Luigi walked towards the door hands behind his back humming a peaceful tune. Once he walked out the door he snapped. He took his cap and slammed it on the ground and tore to shreds. He walked past Bowser's office and by sheer coincidence he walked out. "Luigi"! Bowser grabbed his arm and yanked him in the office locking the door. He looked panic as he felt around Luigi's battered face. Luigi angrily shoved Bowser off of him. Bowser could see the immense amount of disgust on his face. "What happened what did Toadsworth say"? "...I'm fired". Silence filled the room as Bowser started to chuckle," Hahaha Fired ahahahh". Bowser was laughing hysterically until he managed to crack a brick wall from punching it. "I'm going to strangle that man, I'll set this place on fire, burn it to the ground". Luigi walked over to Bowser and held his hand to relax him. "'s fine". "Luigi this is far from fine, this is terrible, you saved a life". Bowser was so riled up he couldn't contain it anymore. He walked out of the office walking to Toadsworth office," Don't Fucking follow me". Luigi grabbed onto Bowser's coat," Don't do anything stupid, and drop it". Luigi was angry with Bowser, and he knew Bowser was angry too but he couldn't see Bowser getting fired. They walked back inside Bowser's office and closed the door. "I'm going to fix this, I have too", Bowser said. He sat at his desk as Luigi started to collect his things. "Please, we'll talk more about this later, go to my castle, Jr. Isn't there today, he's it over with some friends so you can get some rest". "If you insist", Luigi said.

Luigi walked out and took a look back at the hospital. "From janitor to Puppet, to an assistant, to fired, what next". The dread of reality kicking in as he began to sulk on his way to Bowser's castle.

Doctor's Orders (Bowser X Luigi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora