Chapter 46: Doctor's Orders (Last)

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Luigi sat up in his bed with butterflies in his stomach. It's been almost a month since Bowser asked to marry him. He got out of bed and walked to his kitchen trying to ease his nerves. Today he was going to fully move in with Bowser, but first, he had to collect his things. Since Mario was still in the hospital, he found it easier to collect his things without him around. He pulled out his phone and looked at the photo gallery to reminisce about the Wedding. The lights, the flowers, all of his friends there to support them. What more could he ask for?

He finally packed all he needed and decided to walk over to Bowser's castle. He thought that it would be a good way for him to get one last good look at his neighborhood. He lifted his bags and began his stroll. "Ah, today feels nice." Luigi decided to take a path by a nearby creek that was surrounded by beautiful scenery. (To think I'd get married to Bowser is so unreal, I can still remember how exciting Jr was.)

"Hey, Jr can I talk to you for a moment." , Bowser asked. Jr sat on the couch in front of Bowser and Luigi. "Yes, Papa?" "You know how it was my sworn duty to kidnap the princess and take over the mushroom kingdom?" Jr nodded a bit confused about where the conversation is going. "Well, I decided not to do that anymore, because we'll I found someone else." "You found another Princess?" "Well, not Princess, more like a Prince...It's Luigi, We're planning on getting married." Jr was still a tad confused before the thoughts fully processed. "-GASP- Does that mean I get to have two cool Papas." Luigi smiled," Well yes." Jr jumped for joy giving them both big hugs. Luigi did feel his heart melt a bit as he didn't know that Jr. Was going to call him one of his 'Papas'.


Luigi finally made it to Bowser castle exhausted. "Why did I do this to myself?" He walked to the front door knocking on it for it to be immediately opened by a guard. "Ah Master Luigi, we've been expecting your arrival." Luigi blushed a bit as was shocked that he was referred to as "Master". A couple of guards carried Luigi's things into the living quarters of Bowser's castle. "Lord Bowser should be there to greet.", A guard said leaving Luigi at the door. They both walked away and Luigi let himself in.

Bowser was nervous, asking Luigi to live with him was a huge deal. He wanted to make sure that his time spent here was time spent well. He even went out of his way to buy green pillows and furniture to match him. The front door opened and Bowser panicked a bit. "Oh, Luigi you're here, so soon?" "Yes, I wanted to get my things settled in, besides I don't have a lot of things, Mario bought the majority of our furniture. Bowser went over to Luigi to give him a small kiss before helping him out his stuff away. As they did, Luigi noticed the new furniture in Bowser's home. "The new furniture you have is really nice, I love green." Bowser nearly jumped out of his skin because of the nice comment. He knew Luigi would love it.

Mario walked in his house to see it just the way he left it, minus Luigi's things missing, which were an eyesore. "I needed that walk, now I can check my mail." He went through his mail to see if he had mail from the hospital that stated he was no longer suspended. "The hospital needs me, they're probably begging for my return." He found the letter he was looking for and tore the envelope to shreds to read the letter. "Ah, here it is, here it is." His eyes were glued to the letter with anticipation fueling his system. He dropped the paper. Rage soon filled his heart. "Luigi!", he Yelled at the top of his lungs. He ran out the door slamming it shut behind him.

Since Jr. wasn't home that meant Bowser and Luigi could spend a lot of quality time together. After putting all of Luigi's things away, he and Bowser cuddled on the couch watching a movie. Bowser rolled on top and started showering Luigi with kisses. "B-Bowser hehe." They were about to go a bit further until a siren went off. "Huh, what's. That?", Luigi said as he jumped up. "It means there is an intruder in my castle, stay here." Bowser got up and walked out of the area leaving Luigi alone. The blaring alarm rang through his ears making him uneasy. A light knock emerged from the door causing Luigi to freak out a bit. He walk up to the door and opened it slightly to see who was there. "Hello-." The door swung open breaking the security latch. "Mario!-" Luigi yelled as he pounced on him punching him. "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" Before Mario could do more damage to him Luigi pushed him off and tried to run away, but Mario threw almost anything he could grab. Luigi laid on the floor sobbing while Mario kicked and punched him. Finally, Mario sat on top of him and begin to strangle him. "You should've just stayed a lousy janitor." Before he completely passed out Mario was ripped off of him. He started to gag and cough. Luigi looked around and saw Bowser's guards cuffing him. Bowser came in and helped Luigi up giving him a tight hug. "It's ok I'm here." He helped him up and quickly gave Mario a heavy jab to the stomach. "Come near my kingdom, and I'll have you executed; Throw him out." A note dropped out of Mario's pocket as he was carried away. Luigi picked it up and read the contents.

__Dear Mario

Due to recent behavior issues, and a vote you have been fired from the medical program and your position will instead be filled by someone else.


"Mario got fired...that's why he attacked me." "Don't worry love I'll make sure he doesn't come near you ever again, got it!" "But who do they have replacing Mario?", Luigi asked.  "Well, I was gonna tell you over dinner but-." Bowser picked Luigi up sitting on his lap to clean his face. "I asked for you." Luigi's eyes sparkled, "Me?." Bowser nodded as he finished patching up Luigi. "Now, mind helping me clean up so we can have dinner." Luigi nodded and they both went to work.

Luigi woke up feeling a lot of pain on his face, but he was able to manage through it since he got used to Mario's beatings. He hopped in the shower and got dressed quickly going downstairs to see Bowser making breakfast. "We're going to have to eat on the go Love." "Ah ok." He grabbed the small container of food and made their way out of the castle.

They both walked in to be instantly greeted by Toadsworth and Wario. Wario walked over and gave Luigi a heavy pat on the back. "I'm here to show ya' new Office." Toadsworth walked up to him and smiled," I'm here to give you the keys and just some paperwork to fill out, for your painting on the wall." Luigi was pleased. "I'll see you later Luigi.", Bowser smiled before Wario grabbed his wrist and dragged him to his new office. It was Mario's old office, but once in he saw Daisy putting the last details in the room. Mario's red room turn into a nice cool green. "Congratulations Luigi." Daisy ran over to give him a hug. "Now you get warmed up here while Wario and I bring in the few extra things. They both leave Luigi to be alone as he surveyed the room smiling. "I went from Janitor to this it's unbelievable." The office door opened and Bowser walked in. "How's my husband?" "I love it here." Luigi got up and gave Bowser a big hug. "Thank you for doing this for me." , Luigi said. Bowser lifted Luigi's head for a kiss." "No thank you for coming into my life." Luigi broke away and smiled. "Now, let's go be the best doctors the world's ever seen"

-The End

I wanted to thank everyone for supporting this story. Although it's not perfect I'm happy that I was able somewhat better my writing skills a bit. I wanted to also announce that I do have another Bowser x Luigi story brewing up, but I'm going to take a break from that right now. However I am working on a new Fanfiction, if you're a fan of Animal Crossing then this next story will be Called Foxtrot (Tom Nook x Redd). So again Thank you for reading

Doctor's Orders (Bowser X Luigi)Where stories live. Discover now