Chapter 4: Manipulation

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Bowser got up from his seat and stood up in front of Luigi. He placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a big menacing smile. "Ah I can see it now", Bowser chuckled. Bowser directed Luigi to another desk adjacent to his. It was relatively clean and we'll kept and came equipped with all the office necessities. Luigi took a seat and Bowser dropped a thick stack of paper down. His smirk faded and he grew more serious. "I want this done by the end of your shift". He went back to his desk and sat down looking through papers himself. Luigi sighed and began to work quietly.

While sitting there Luigi would often catch himself staring at Bowser. Luigi would literally examine every crevice and blemish on his face to study it. As long as he's been staring he could've probably counted all his hair on his head. He couldn't help his attraction towards him, so much that he almost forgot why he became an assistant in the first place. Bowser got up from his seat and proceeded to leave his office leaving Luigi alone. Luigi sprung an idea. Maybe if he sees how good of a worker he is. Maybe, just maybe he'll forget about the hold notebook ordeal and forgive him. That was Peach and Mario's relationship is safe. He sat quietly working on his paperwork quickly and diligently. After he was done he got the papers and placed them neatly on Bowser's desk and went back to his seat. As he did Bowser walked in with two cups of coffee. He placed one on Luigi's desk not saying anything. "Thank you", Luigi said politely. Bowser grumbled and sat back at his seat. He skimmed through the papers that Luigi finished and smirked. "huh not to bad". He got back up and handed Luigi a smaller stack. "I want you to take this to Peach and Wario". Luigi grabbed it and left.

Luigi walked around to Peach's office. He knocked on her door and proceeded to go in. Peach was sitting at her desk quietly as she worked. "Yes Luigi", she said not breaking eye contact from her work. "Bowser wanted me to give you this". She grabbed the paper stopping her work and skimmed through it. As she got to the last page she sighed and tore it out. "Toss this, she said handing him the paper. Luigi nodded and before he tossed it he skimmed over it quick. "It's an invite to tea", he mumbled under his breath. He left the office and this time went to Wario. As Luigi came in Luigi was getting chills up and down his spine from how messy it was. Papers were sloppily piled on his desk. And so many papers were tacked to the wall or taped to a whiteboard with various information. "Hey, Wario". Wario had his chair turned around to face a window. Luigi grew frustrated as he thought Wario was ignoring him. He walked up to Wario Chair and sighed. Wario was fast asleep. (I can see why his work is little to not done). Luigi called his name. "WARIO"! Luigi jumped back as Wario screamed. "WHAT!!". "I came to give you this". Wario grumbled spinning his chair around. "Don't you see I'm busy"? "Sleeping"? Wario rolled his eyes and snatched the paper out of his hands. "Get lost janitor". Luigi walked out and made his way back to Bowser's office. Luigi was starting to get used to his new job. Hopefully, Bowser would reconsider using him to get peach.

Luigi walked in Bowser's office and saw Mario talking to Bowser. He seemed to be very heated. "Why did you hire Luigi", Mario asked. Bowser tilted his head and smiled," I thought he would be great for this position". Bowser saw Luigi and gave a smirk. "You're doing great Luigi I appreciate you delivering those papers". Luigi smiled softly. "Luigi", Mario said. "I'm here if there is something wrong tell me now, I don't know what in the world made you consider working for him"! Luigi stood quietly he didn't know what to say. Luigi went through Bowser's things and he shouldn't have. But it wasn't the fact that he was going through Bowser's things, Bowser scared him, he didn't know what he would say to get him fired. Not only that Luigi felt that his feelings for Bowser were also getting in the way.  "Well, Luigi". Mario was eyeing Luigi. "I took the job Bowser offered because I didn't want to get in your way". Mario furrowed his brow. "Bowser asked that he was going to make me your assistant, but I didn't want to bother you". Mario sighed, and patted Luigi's shoulder. "You're not a bother Luigi". Mario gave Bowser a glare and walked out of the office. "Awwww how sweet of him to care about you", Bowser. Luigi shot back at Bowser.  "I wouldn't be your assistant if you were so greedy for Peach". "Excuse Me"? "Why keep going after a woman that already has someone she loves. I see nothing changing her mind. You're just pathetic". Bowser got up from his desk and gripped Luigi off the ground by his shirt collar. Luigi's heart was racing as he tried to get out of his grasp. "Say that again". Luigi stared back at Bowser gritting his teeth. "You're a Pathetic man". Luigi felt different, after seeing how his brother was feeling his attraction to Bowser faded away. He deeply began to despise him. Bowser walked back to his desk and began laughing. Luigi felt a chill down his spine. "Ok ok, I understand", Bowser said. His watch beeped and he made a shooing motion with his hands. "I expect you to be here tomorrow ok", Bowser said with a smile. Luigi knew something was off, but he didn't know what else to do. He had hoped that Bowser found an error in his ways.

As Luigi walked out he saw Daisy as well. "Luigi", she said waving. She walked up and scanned his face. "You look extremely pale, what did Bowser do"? "N-nothing, he's a very intimate guy I was just a bit nervous around him". She nodded in agreement. "Oh, Daisy how did DK turnout". She slouched over and sighed.  "He's so fast, Roselina and I had to get Yoshi and Toad to help". "That sounds awful, what was he trying to use his mallet for anyway"? Daisy grumbled, "Fix a cavity". Luigi sighed and they both chuckled. "Well I'm on my way home", Luigi said stretching. Daisy smiled," that sounds good, I have to help Peach for a bit and I'm home free. I get to go home and watch Webflix" "you still watching that one show"? Daisy nodded," I tried watching it in one sitting but I'm not a good of a binge-watcher like you". Luigi smiled happily, "Well when I was a janitor I had a lot of free time, and I keep my door locked so Mario doesn't bother me haha". She giggled back. "Ok, I should get going, see ya later". She game Luigi a hug and they both went their separate ways.

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