Chapter 40: Undeserved Love

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Luigi woke up to a light knock at the door. "C-coming", Luigi said in a groggy tone. He glanced over at the clock trying to gather his thoughts trying to remember where he was. "Oh I'm at Daisy's, I forgot". The light knocking disturbed the silence once more. Luigi stood up and made his way to the door cracking it open. "Good morning to you sir". It was the butler from yesterday here to return his phone. "Oh good morning". "I'm here to return your phone this morning as you requested". Luigi grabbed his phone and powered it on. He glanced at the phone to see missed calls and voicemail from Bowser along with a few calls from Mario of all people. "I must also say sir that the time of which I've awaken you was upon Her highnesses request". "Oh, why so early"? "She said something on the lines of 'Getting you out the dumps', Which if you ask me I have not a clue what it could be, however, she did ask that you make haste or she will devourer most of the breakfast herself". "Eat it herself?", Luigi said in a worried tone. "It is only a jest Master Luigi, however, The look in her eyes said otherwise". The Butler took a bow before leaving Luigi. " I should get ready". He tossed his phone on the bed and went into the bathroom. Before he got undressed for the shower he noticed himself in the mirror and walked closer to examine himself. He noticed how repulsive his whole body was. His skin was very pale with dark circles around his eyes. His facial hair also grew a bit making his chin and cheeks very scruffy and his mustache thicker. "How long have I been looking like this"? Luigi decided to fix his look using a Razer and scissors to trim himself.

Daisy sat down at the table enjoying a tall glass of orange juice. She took a light sip feeling euphoric when she placed it down. "Freshly squeezed, just how I like it, you've outdone yourself, Reginald". The butler beside her beamed from ear to ear. "Madame would you like me to fetch Master Luigi again"? "No no, let him take his time, he needs it". The butler stood off to the side while Daisy sipped more juice. Luigi walked in a few minutes after. He looked very different from here as she noticed that he looked like a brand new man. "Well look at you, Luigi". Luigi blushed as he sat at the table and the Butlers served him breakfast. "So I have a lot planned today for us and I hope you are ready". Luigi nodded eating his breakfast. "This will be a day that you'll never forget".

The crisp art blew gently across Luigi's face, he rarely gone outside to just enjoy the weather so he was quite happy he was able too. He looked over at Daisy who was wearing a very flashy tracksuit doing various stretches. He decided to mimic her, but soon found that he wasn't as flexible as her, or at all in that matter. He felt a lot of this crack and pop in his body. (Maybe this is why my body is so stiff). 2 Butlers and a maid also accompanied them outside wearing tracksuit the mimicked Daisy's. "Ok ready for our 10-mile run". "10!?". She giggled," You act like 10 miles is a lot, now let's get a move on"! She started off with a light jog before taking off. A Butler followed closely behind her at the same speed. "Master Luigi, we'll stick with you, were not as fast as her highness," The Maid said with a giggle. The Butler nodded as well as both began to jog. (This is gonna be hell on my body). Luigi started to jog along with them preparing for the worst.

"Aaaaaaaand 10 Miles", Daisy said triumphantly. The butler with her smiled," Your Highness, you have beaten your record from last month. "Wahooo"! "Now I wonder how far- Huh". She looked at the hill they climbed and saw Luigi and the rest not far. Luigi made it in front of Daisy and collapsed to his knees. "Uuuuuuhhh I'm dying". Daisy was astonished, she didn't expect Luigi to keep up with her. "Wha- how"? "I guess saving Peach back then paid off, Mario said I was good at running away". Luigi laughed sitting on the ground panting. Daisy was happy that he was able to keep up and she felt like she could see his cheerfulness coming back. "Let's go and walk back, by the time we return, Lunch should be ready and well take a trip around my garden, and try some yoga". Luigi stood up with the help of one of the Butlers. "Huh, were doing more exercise"? "Mmhmm, three times a week I encourage my Staff to get into some physical activity at the estate. On those days the majority of my staff are off, so I have to do things myself sometimes, which I don't mind, as long as my staff stays happy I'm happy".

As they walked down the path, the Butlers along with the maid walked adjacent to Luigi and Daisy to keep a protective watch over them but kept a good distance to let them have their private chat. "So be honest, did you like the run"? Luigi managed to catch his breath finally," I mean I'd prefer a shorter distance, but it wasn't that bad". "I'm glad you enjoyed it somewhat". "Well, it also helped me clear my mind, a lot has gone on in my life recently, and I'm happy that you're here for me". Daisy beamed from ear to ear. "Now, tell me, how are you and Wario", Luigi said raising a brow mockingly". Daisy blushed immensely," He's grouchy, and sometimes a bit gross, but I can change him". Luigi laughed. Luigi glanced at his phone and noticed that the number of texted and mixed calls grew from Bowser. "He's still texting you"? "Yeah, I-I trusted him but he threw it away by kissing her, It won't be long until I forget him anyway". "Ok, you'll know when you're ready to move on".

They finally made it back to the mansion, but it looks like there was a bit of a commotion. "Huh hey what's going on"? A Butler walked up to Daisy in a bit of a panic. "M-Madam you had an  'unwanted visitor', but when asked to state his business he barged in and threaten to burn the mansion down if we touch him, we're awfully sorry we let this happen". "Don't worry we'll-". Luigi turned to Daisy," No, I'll take care of it". Daisy looked a bit concerned for her friend, "Are you sure, I can kick his ass in two shakes of a cat's tail". "No it's fine, trust me, besides You can't kick his ass right now you gotta give it the old' sneak attack". Daisy chuckled to herself before he walked in.

Luigi walked into the quiet Mansion looking through each room to look for "Him". He finally made it to the large living room and saw him sitting on the couch. He looked lifeless, his hair was a bit messy, shirt sloppy and he overall looked sleep-deprived. His eyes widened as he jumped up and smiled. "L-Luigi...I found you". "*Sigh* Bowser".

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