Chapter 34: Invasion

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Luigi sat outside Toadsworth office while Wario was talking to him. There seemed to be a lot of arguing, but Wario walked out with a satisfied smirk. "So what happened"? "Well you have your job back, but you're suspended like Mario", Wario said. "W-Wario I just can't thank you enough", Luigi said with a smile. Wario blushed trying to keep his composure," I mean you kept me from dying it's the least I could do". "Ok, I'm suspended now but how is that gonna help you". Wario grabbed Luigi," You're suspended, not fired so I can still use you". Wario tugged Luigi's wrist and pulled him towards his office. Before they stepped in, Luigi stopped. "I have to see Bowser real quick". Wario's face got pale a bit," Oh hehe I forgot that you were Bowser's assistant. "What do you mean", Luigi asked.

Luigi and Wario walked to Bowser's office not that far away and knocked on the door. "Oh, Bowser guess-". When Luigi walked in he saw peach sitting with him as they were discussing their work. "-oh Peach, it's nice to see you". She looked back and waved and the focus went back to Bowser who looked like he was extremely stressed. Wario poked Luigi with his elbow, "Let me do the talking". Luigi nodded and Wario began to speak," So I'd like to thank your assistant for saving my life for start, and in return, I helped him get his job back". Bowser smiled, "That's great I'm glad to hear that". Luigi could hear in the tone of Bowser's voice that he wasn't as thrilled. "However there is a catch", Wario said. Bowser looked confused," What's the catch". "For the next two weeks Luigi will be 'My' assistant", Wario said twirling his mustache. Bowser grew angry," Stealing my assistant, what could you possibly need with him does Toadsworth know about this". "Well I need his help and this was the only way to get his job back. Toadsworth kinda isn't pleased with you because you didn't stop your own assistant or told your assistant to not get involved with doctors matters. He felt it was odd that Luigi stepped in way faster than you did". Bowser grumbled to himself trying to hold in his anger. Peach's watch beeped," Oh well I need to get going I have to take care of things, thank you for listening to me Bowser". She left leaving the three alone. "Wario I'd like to speak with Luigi privately", Bowser demanded. "Very well, Luigi I expect you to be in my office in a bit". Wario left.

Bowser got up and growled," Your working for Wario, you didn't fight to continue to work with me". "Bowser I didn't know he did that honest", Luigi said. "Well I don't know what you think you're doing but, I'm your superior don't be making reckless decisions like that ever". "Wh-What has gotten into you, why are you giving me this attitude all of a sudden, I get my job back and you're not even excited and now your getting mad that I'm working with Wario for two weeks". Luigi turned around ready to leave before Bowser grabbed his arm. He sighed under his breath. "L-listen, I'm sorry ok". Bowser crouched down to his height and gave him a hug. "When you left Today was all over me, and I just got a lot on my mind". Luigi hugged him back," I guess I should see Wario then".


Toadsworth walked out of Bowser's office after yelling at him for Luigi's actions. He didn't know why he was telling at him since Luigi saved his life. But he knew Toadsworth was more upset because Bowser just sat there doing nothing of the sort to help. "I didn't know what was happening, Wario shouldn't have done something so stupid like that. Suddenly Wario kicked his door in. "W-Wario"!? He angrily wanted to know where Luigi was before walking out. Bowser went to close the door because he really didn't want to be bothered anymore after today. After that Peach walked in. "Bowser could we talk for a bit". Bowser was a bit concerned since Peach did look a bit troubled for a while. "S-Sure thing"

They both sat adjacent to each other at his desk. Bowser knew she had a lot on her mind, but it seemed like she didn't know how to form the words right. "Are you going to talk about Mario". She sighed," I don't know, I want to move on from him, but when he fought with Luigi, I got scared". "Scared, how"? "Well I just could see all this rage in eyes that he really wanted to hurt Luigi, I don't know why he'd hate Luigi like that. However, I was afraid that what if I caused this, what if all this anger is from me leaving him". She looked very upset so Bowser decided to comfort her with a small hug. At that moment Bowser felt something, something that hasn't felt for a while. After they broke from the hug. She repositioned herself and Luigi walked in with Wario.


After Luigi left To go to Wario's office, he tried to figure out why he got mad at Luigi the way he did, but he knew exactly why. "No, No I can't be feeling this way, I Just Can't". Bowser started to panic a bit and his Mind ran circle and his emotions started to conflict with each other. "I love Luigi, I do...I do".

Peach walked slowly to her office until she ran into Waluigi. "Oh hello Princess", He said with a smile. She wasn't that fond of Waluigi because if his sketchy behavior, but it was rude not to reply. "Hello". Waluigi slithered his was to Peach's side which immediately set off red flags. "What do you want", She asked. "Hehe, I think we should have a few Private words".

Doctor's Orders (Bowser X Luigi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz