Chapter 31: Emergency

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*Before Meeting*

When Luigi walked in he noticed Wario and Mario arguing. He decided to sneakily stand close by without being noticed so he could hear what was going on.

"I've worked on this for day's, this medicine is effective, I don't care on funding I just want you to see how much this could save lives", Wario pleaded. Mario shook his head," What's the success rate"? Wario choked up, knowing what was about to happen. "55%". "Wario, your medicine could kill someone All your medicine have a high death rate". "I know, but I need to test it out, If I can test it I can know how to fix it, this medicine could cure anything". "I'm not letting you use patients as your personal Guinea pig, I won't allow it". Mario walked away leaving Wario to grumble in frustration. Luigi walked around the corner looking at Wario. "What does your medicine do"? Wario jumped and then smirked," Well my brainless green chum my medicine is the future". Luigi decided to listen to his banter ignoring his poor insult. "My medicine is made to cure anything, and I mean everything, it just, it just needs more work, a bit of funding to, this medicine can change lives, no Extend them". Luigi was impressed with Wario's work, he couldn't wait to see his work in action. "However in order for me to work on it further, your brother has to green light it, but he refuses to. Probably because he's jealous that he's not making it". "Well I think it's a good idea, let's hope that 55% becomes 100%". Wario smiled as he twirled his mustache. They both continued to talk as they walked towards the meeting room.


Mario walked in and sat down a good distance away from Luigi. Luigi was still setting up so he made sure that he didn't have to go near Mario. Seconds later Luigi was done and Bowser walked in next. They both waved at each other while he took a seat adjacent across from Mario. Bowser really wasn't giving Mario any mind as he was too busy on his phone to notice. Luigi thought it was his turn to grab a seat next, but where. He decided to be a little cheeky and sat next to Bowser. Luigi then leaned up against him blushing a bit. Bowser was a bit surprised and gave Luigi a small pat on the head before going back to his phone. Luigi sat up straight and he noticed from the corner of his eye, Mario. He was as almost as red as his hat biting on the knuckle of his index finger. He also glanced over to Wario and Daisy who were trying extremely hard to contain the laughter. More people walked into the meeting room and the meeting began. It was mainly just boring updates about the condition of the hospital and how we could improve on their work. After that Wario had stood up. "No we have a word from Wario, he came to me specifically to ask if he could also have time to speak". Happily adjusted his coat and spoke. "Well, the reason I needed all your attention is that I wanted kinda a vote you could say". Wario went on to talk about his medicine and his research for it. He wanted to get everyone else on board with the idea so it would be easy picking. Although everyone was sorta in agreement because well it's Wario when has he come up with a good idea that doesn't involve a scam. Luigi was impressed and hoped that all the doctors would agree. Bowser was on board with the idea and wanted to see if medicine would work if given a chance. Peach also agree to it as well, but Mario and surprisingly Toadsworth said no. "As much as I want to support the idea, I could only give you so much funding to test with which most likely won't be enough", Toadsworth said. "And I simply don't want to risk a patient's life because of your reckless actions". Wario smirked," Well this recklessness could result in a groundbreaking discovery. Not only that the Vote is uneven. Toadsworth nodded," Yes Although this vote only really concerns the head Doctor's we do need a last vote, Luigi"? "Oh Me"? "Yes, maybe you-". "No that's wouldn't be necessary to let him vote on such a difficult to understand topic". Luigi sighed and he could feel the insult rumble in his bones. "But out of it, let the green squirt vote", Wario growled. "You only care for his vote because it'll work in your favor". "You know what, I'M SICK OF YOU". Wario and Mario began to argue but it seemed to be worse than they're usual ones. "Ever since we started working here you've done nothing but, put down my work. I work really hard on everything I do and all it does is get shut down. You're just upset with me because I wasn't all that nice to you in the past. Give it up and stop holding stupid grudges. I work hard while you sit on your ass all day doing nothing". "I sit on my ass, I have to make sure everything and everyone works in order, we don't need your medicine killing our patients, you won't get funding, you won't get Guinea pigs, you won't get anything. Wario turned a hot red and started breathing heavy digging in his pockets. He pulled out one of his pills and stared at it. "I'll show you my medicine will save anyone, anyone it can cure anything, even this Fucking headache". Wario took the pill and swallowed it making everyone gasp. "Wario"! Toadsworth yelled. Wario started to laugh," You see my headache, all medicine...I...". Wario's face because to turn a dark red and his breathing became heavier with every breath. He grabbed on to Mario before letting go collapsing on the look. Luigi jumped up and ran to Wario along with Daisy who started to panic. Mario stood in shock trying to figure out what to do. Wario was squirming violently on the floor scratching at his throat with foam emerging from his mouth.
Luigi thought back to when Wario was speaking to him on his way to the meeting room.


How do you test some of your medicine, since Mario seems to not wanna fund it? Wario sighed and looked around," Don't tell anyone twerp, but I test it on myself". Luigi gasped, but what if something bad happened". "Well if something happens to me, I most likely will have an allergic reaction", Wario said showing a dark green pill bottle. "Oh so this will stop it", Luigi said. "Yeah my breathing gets heavy and my throat starts to close when I react to something bad-" Wario nodded,"-No one knows about how I test my medicine, or that I'm allergic to some of it".


Mario tried to use his medical skills to quickly find determine a diagnosis of what's going on. But Luigi had other plans as he rummaged through his pockets. Mario yelled," BACK OFF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING". Mario tried to get Luigi out the way, but he was determined to help him. He found the green bottle and opened it taking a pill out. "Bowser give me your water now"! Bowser gave it to him and Luigi shoved the pill and water in his mouth forcing it to go down. Mario shoved him back, "What's wrong with you are you trying to kill him". Luigi got angry glaring at his brother. "Quiet you to", Bowser yelled. They both looked back at Wario whole became pale and wasn't moving at all. Silence filled the room and no one could hear him breathe. W-Wario Daisy mumbled tearing up. "*GASP*" Wario's body jumped as he remained unconscious breathing normally. "Yoshi, Toad I need a crash cart", Toadsworth ordered.

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