Chapter 16: I'll Do As You Please

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Luigi was in a fairly good mood after Bowser low-key confessed his feelings for him. It still felt so fast that he didn't fully grasp the whole concept of it. He made it to Wario's office where he was working with some sort of chemicals. Before Luigi could say a word Wario placed a finger in the air to get him to wait. He began mixing different chemicals together in a diligent manner trying not to spill a single drop. The elixir that he made turned a bright yellow before becoming a deep purple. Wario smiled placing the cups of chemicals down and writing down his discovery. "What did you do"? Wario looked at Luigi twisting his mustache with a cocky grin. "This right here my simpleton associate is the future of medicine". Luigi sighed as he ignored the insult thrown at him. This medicine I created has a 62% Chance to heal any wound in a matter of seconds. "What about the other 37%". Wario got pale and mumbled just enough for Luigi to hear. "It turns into a lethal poison in milliseconds" Luigi gasped in horror," What!?". "I know it sounds bad, but I need more funding to make it complete, you're dimwitted brother refuses to do so". "I mean hopefully he'll change his mind soon". "He better I worked very hard at my craft, now what was it that you needed from a genius like muah". "Take these stupid papers". Wario took the papers and did a deep sigh, "I'm tired of these fucking business trips". (Oh I guess Mario and Bowser will be going too).

Luigi walked back to Bowser's office. He was filling out paperwork as usual and stopped once he saw Luigi. "ah Luigi I have to have a word with you". "Oh, what is it"? "Well, all the head doctors will be going on a small business trip and I was informed that my room has an extra bed, so I have two favors". Bowser got up and patted his shoulder, "I would like you to accompany me on this trip". "Oh, I'd be happy to". Luigi was excited it's been a while since he been outside the mushroom kingdom, not only that he gets to see an actual meeting with top Doctors in the world. "What else do you need"? "Well, I need you to come back here a day early and watch Jr for me. His grandfather will be busy with work and there will be no one there to watch him properly". "Oh, really you want me to watch your son"? Bowser nodded," He should be easy to care for". "I mean I guess, I never took care of someone's child before". "No need to worry, when the time comes I'll tell you everything you need to know". Luigi smiled and went back to his desk. Bowser turned facing away from Luigi as he gave a devilish smirk to himself.


Luigi woke up feeling more refreshed than he usually is. He had packed the night before to make sure he had all the essentials for this small trip he was going on. He quickly got up and ready so he could depart along with Mario on time. Mario was already up and was packing a few last minute things before they headed out. "Now are you sure you wanna go, you'll have to share a room with Bowser". Luigi nodded in reassurance, "Yeah I'll be fine if Bowser tries anything I'll be sure to let you know immediately". Mario smiled as he zipped up his last bag. "Let's go".

As they arrived at the hotel, Luigi was astonished by how fancy it was. It was extremely well lit and there seemed to be plenty of fountains with flower beds accompanying them. Not only that the trimmings of the walls and windows were made with the shiniest gold Luigi's ever seen. He for a moment felt bad because he felt like he wasn't dressed good enough. "Hey, Mario this place seems very pricey how does the hospital afford this"? "Ah well we're not paying for this, the executives in the office of this world are paying for this". "Hmmm interested". As the walked through, Luigi noticed a bit of tension going on between everyone. No one really was talking to each other. Peach kept a very good distance away from Bowser and strangely Mario. Wario, on the other hand, was staggering behind as if he was trying not to be seen with them. Bowser was standing close to Toadsworth but would stumble a bit. He looks like he was in a constant state of thought and those stumbles were knocking him out of it.

They checked into their rooms and tightly squeeze on the small elevator. It was still a quiet ride up which made it very awkward. Everyone got off and broke into three groups of two. Surprising Mario was Rooming with Wario and Peach with Toadsworth. (Mario and Peach must've gotten into a really bad one). "We'll all meet up for lunch in about an hour, don't be late", Toadsworth said. They all entered their rooms and Luigi plopped down on the first mattress he saw. "This bed is way softer than mine". Bowser walked over to the next one adjacent to Luigi and started to unpack his bag. "So, what's this meeting about anyway". "Just something small, making better investments to support the hospital". Luigi rolled over on his stomach burying his face in the soft pillow. "It looks like Mario and Peach are a bit distant today, don't you think". Luigi sighed," Yeah but I doubt Mario will tell me. While laying on his stomach he felt something extremely heavy on top of him. "What the-"!? He turned around to see Bowser on top of him staring at him. "B-Bowser what are you doing"? Luigi couldn't move since Bowser had his arms above his head. Luigi felt himself blushing so much that he had to cross his legs a bit so Bowser wouldn't notice that he was a bit too flustered. Bowser went down closer to his face and kissed his cheek. "I mean, wouldn't you be a good brother if you found out and helped him through it. I bet you wanna know what's wrong". Luigi thought for a moment before looking back at Bowser. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask". Luigi gave Bowser another hug. As he did Bowser started to blush too, he felt something about Luigi that was different, that he sorta liked. However, his growled lowly as he remembered his true goal, Peach. He will not be distracted by this green pathetic man.

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