Chapter 8 So It Begins

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Your body shifted feeling warmth against your skin as your arms laid lazily around something. Your mind was foggy last night not quite playing in your mind as you peeled your eyes open from the fact that there was a light burning your lids. You looked around wondering where you were until last night, at long last, washed into your mind.

You flushed realizing you were holding Phoenix nested at his side your limbs almost all tangled together. He snored a bit his chest rising and falling with rhythm and you almost wanted to watch. You sighed a bit looking to the window he had in his room your eyes focusing on the building that reflected the sun onto it. You wanted to sleep again, stay here curled up to his side, but with the sun shining like that and being too lazy to get up you were content in the fact you couldn't sleep again. Your eyes closed a bit just wanting to focus on Phoenix's gently breaths and slight snores until your mind clicked.

"COURT!" You shot up with a cry trying to untangle your limbs from Phoenix's. Phoenix opened his eyes groggily confusion written on his tired face.

"Huh?..." his voice was slow as you finally unlatched trying to scurry to the end of the, huge, bed. "What's going on..." he rubbed his eyes wincing at the bright sun reflected against a building's windows into his room.

"Court! Court!" You didn't have time to use an actual sentence just saying court to him as you tried to rush to the door nearly falling on a book and slipping on some paper as you threw the door open hastily. Phoenix didn't seem to register the words just yet sitting up slowly with his mind turning its gears until finally he understood.

"COURT!!" He shouted after you and to anyone else you both looked almost crazy dashing around. You tried your best to get your routine done as fast as you could taking the fastest shower you could think of drying your hair as fast too. You threw on a suit buttoning up your blouse as you rushed out of your room brief case in one hand as you started to button your suit jacket. Phoenix was now fully dressed hair fixed the way he liked it now rushing about getting all his papers together.

What a morning this was turning out to be, you both were rushing around like maniacs and you just hoped you'd make it to the court house on time.

"Forget your papers I've got everything let's just go!" You grabbed Phoenix's arm as he still attempted to stuff papers into his own brief case.

"But!-" he wanted to complain but found no time to as you pulled him out of there apartment making sure you had your key and then ran as fast as you could in heels. You laughed unable to help it as you raced down the steps, instead of waiting for the elevator, Phoenix hot on your heels a laugh leaving him as well.

You felt like a kid who was late to school rushing to get to the bus as you hastily rushed to the apartments lobby and out the door to the street. Phoenix panted a bit laughing breathlessly even still as you tried to flag down a cab laughing with him. You were thankful you were able to get a cab sliding in as fast as you could trying not to shout your location to the poor driver who just nodded and drove off. You panted relaxing against the back of the seat panting more after relaxing and took one look at Phoenix who looked just as breathless as you had. And then suddenly you both laughed again.

It was a nice feeling laughing with him, even if you didn't like being late it was worth it in a way. You hadn't gotten a call from maya yet which was good it meant she wasn't there yet and there was a chance you still had time to get there. The laughter died down both you and Phoenix gasping for air still slightly snickering at how both of you rushed around.

"Hey-um-" you decided to speak finally turning to face him as he looked at you. "Thanks again...for last night.." you trailed off blushing a bit unaware he was too. Phoenix looked at you with a beating heart his eyes looking away while he took the opportunity to rub the nape of his neck again.

*ON HOLD* Unlawful Attraction: Turnabout Samurai Where stories live. Discover now