Chapter 10 On Going Trial

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There was a pause in the court room as all eyes laid on Oldbag, she shifted in the witness stand.

"O-of course your honor" why did she seem so nervous? You drummed your fingers against the desk after leaning a little against it your feet hurting from the heels all over again. "Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do. I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them. I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see. Come to think of it, now I remember throwing out one photo that day!" Oldbag shifted in her stand with a nervous laugh waving her hand in dismissal her red lips thinning out into a worried line.

"M-Ms. Oldbag! This is the first I've heard of this!" Edgeworth slammed a fist down to the table hunching over with his other arm draped against it seeing rather distraught, you couldn't help but smirk in the slightest. It was sort of nice seeing him so unprepared(but then again you wondered if he was unprepared because he knew who he was going against and was suffering in silence like you were still).

"Well, of course, sonny! I've only just remembered it." Oldbag released her lips to look at Edgeworth with a scoff.

"Right... anyway, Mr. Wright, please begin the cross-examination." The judge turned back to Phoenix with a sigh as he nodded.

"I'd say this was unexpected but part of me sort of thought she'd be this way in court" you muttered under your breath to Phoenix who nodded with an amused smile surpassing a wide grin that would of turned into a laugh.

"HOLD IT!" Phoenix slammed his hands down again and you flinched wondering how red they were now. "I have a question! How exactly do you determine what isn't "suspicious lookin'"?" He has a point, it was hard to believe Phoenix was only just a month into being a lawyer and has only been in the court room only a handful of times. He was good, sometimes dare you think, better than you.

"Oh, you can tell by looking at their faces. For the most part." Oldbag seemed disinterested, but you don't think you could determine if some ones up to no good just by looking at them sometimes! The ones who wear innocent smiles are normally the ones who have potential to do the worse!

"F-for the most part? This is a murder trial, Ms. Oldbag!" Phoenix sighed as Oldbag laughed a little, was that a nervously?

"Well, I didn't touch that suspicious lookin' Will Powers's photo, did I?!" You think she's missing the point.

"No I suppose not..." Phoenix made a face before he shook his head. "Then who in the heck was in that photo you erased?!" You almost wanted to laugh as Phoenix said heck wondering if he was trying not to cuss in the court room, it was sort of cute. (Haven't you thought this before? Everything he does is cute! Most of the time..)

"Humph. A fanboy." Oldbag crossed her arms shaking her head with an eye roll, a fan boy? Why didn't she mention before! There was another person there the day of the murder that wasn't staff!!

"F-fanboy?" Phoenix looked like that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"Steel Samurai fanboys. Real freaks, if you ask me. They get information about the rehearsals from gosh-knows-where. They're always hanging about. One was there that day." Oldbag scoffed again and you slammed your hands down on the desk, a mistake after you felt the burning sensation of prickly pain from impact but you didn't let that stop you.

"OBJECTION!" You felt like you were just something pretty to look at in the court room if you didn't ask a few things here and there or even raise an objection, you knew not to switch places until Phoenix needed it. He was fairing very well right now but you just needed to say something! To at least be useful! "Didn't you just say no one else could get in!? "I locked the main gate so no one could get in"... Those were your words!" In your haste you began to shout a little. Oldbag didn't seem to pleased you said that but only narrowed her eyes.

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