Chapter 26 The True Victim

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"Yes your honor" Phoenix sighed out through his nose, with such a short testimony there wasn't very much to pick apart. Your eyes carefully watched Phoenix as he thought about what to press on. "Why?" Phoenix spoke suddenly looking at Cody and you felt confused, what was he asking about?

"Huh? Whaddya mean, "why"?" Cody huffed out now, maybe it was just you but he was looking nervous.

"Why wasn't the bad guy moving?" Phoenix pressed his hand more against the table. Now you saw what he was getting at.

"W-well 'cause the Steel Samurai brought him to justice!" Cody shook in his spot clutching his camera tighter in his grasp.

"And how exactly did he do that?" Phoenix was getting some where and he knew it as he kept pressing.

"H-how did he do it? With a Samurai Kick! And a Samurai Punch! Samurai Chop! ... Samurai Slap! S-something like that." Cody looked away for a moment and both you and Phoenix gazed at one another. Cody was still being very vague about this. Phoenix looked back to Cody who seemed even more nervous. "What! Don't give me that look, pops!" Cody's voice became a little squeaky.

"Cody." Phoenix sighed looking very serious suddenly.

"Wh-what?!" Cody puffed up his cheeks trying to look tough. He was hiding something.

"Something's bothering me. Before you said that you "couldn't take your eyes off" the action." Phoenix was just getting started.

"Y-yeah? So what?" Cody shifted on his feet, Phoenix slammed his hands down with such a passion in his eyes.

"Yet you missed the most important part!" Phoenix shouted a little bit and then the dreadful words came.

"OBJECTION!" Edgeworth slammed his hands down against the desk only to point at Phoenix soon after. "What is the meaning of this? The witness has stated what he saw quite clearly..." did Edgeworth sound nervous?

"OBJECTION!" Phoenix must of been on to something, he was fighting back, you couldn't help but smile. "You know as well as I do that he's being vague! Tell me, what kind of murderer uses a "Samurai Slap"!?" Phoenix pointed at Edgeworth now watching him wince. He stayed silent. "My point is this: Cody, you may have seen some of the Steel Samurai's fight...But you missed the most important part: the killing blow!" Phoenix was now looking at Cody his hand dropped back to the desk. The whole court room erupted in fast chatter.

"Order! Order!" The judge slammed his gavel down. "Mr. Wright! How could this be? Can you explain how he might have missed something so vital?" His eyes were wide as he stared down at you and Phoenix.

"Um, well... er, that's the thing..." Phoenix stumbled over his words and you couldn't help but hold your breath. You knew he was on the right track he just had to ask himself this: why didn't Cody see the climax of the fight?

"Defense!, your answer! We have ascertained that this young boy is a great fan of the Steel Samurai... Why wouldn't he watch the climax of the fight?" The judge was getting impatient if Phoenix couldn't figure it out you had to.

"Your honor?" You spoke suddenly. "We have evidence" you were a little bold about the evidence but you were thinking on the fly. Phoenix looked at you with wide eyes.

"We do?!" He whispered a little loudly.

"Yes!" You whispered back to him through clenched teeth.

""Evidence"...?" The judge looked curious.

"Yes, Your Honor." You nodded your head. "Now the question we must ask is why was cody looking away from the fight?" You held up your finger. "It's simple! He was fiddling around with his new camera!" You pointed to Cody. "He said it himself he doesn't know how to use it just yet!" You smirked slightly.

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