Chapter 24 A Bad Start

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"The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers." The judge slammed down his gavel the sound suddenly loud and jarring to you. Your heart was beating in your chest whilst you stood next to Phoenix staring up at the judge. Mia had gone to sit with the "audience" sitting where maya had sat just yesterday. Your nerves were unchecked as you stared across the way to Edgeworth who had glanced away from your direction.

"The prosecution is ready, your honor." He sounded colder than he had yesterday. Somehow you figured it was your fault for his cool words.

"The defense is ready, your honor." Phoenix didn't dare to look at Edgeworth staring at the judge who merely nodded at his stand. You held your breath as the judge looked to Edgeworth.

"Very well. Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement, please." The judge gestured for Edgeworth to start earning a nod from him.

"An unexpected fact has come to the attention of the court. Yesterday, we learned that there were other people present at the studios! Today, I would like to show evidence proving they had nothing to do with the murder." Edgeworth pressed a hand to his desk as he finished. This already felt like it was going to take forever you already wanted this to be over with. You pressed your lips together swallowing down the lump in your throat. You had faith in Phoenix.

"Very well. You may call your first witness, Mr. Edgeworth." The judge had seemed to think for a moment before he had nodded letting Edgeworth call the first witness. You wondered if Vasquez would be here today, you got bad vibes from her, Mia hadn't met her yet you wondered if she'd say the same thing.

"The prosecution calls Mr. Sal Manella to the stand." Edgeworth sighed as he spoke looking less heated than he's ever looked. You winced at the familiar name of the director, he was a creep and you certainly didn't want to talk to him. You watched Manella walk to the witness stand panting looking like he had ran a marathon, he didn't look any different from yesterday. Some how today he seemed much more disgusting. Your face twisted as Manella caught your eye and began to drool, Phoenix blocked you from the directors sight. "Will the witness state his name and profession?" Edgeworth sighed seeming to talk through clenched teeth and you found your self staring at him.

"How r00d can j00 get! J00 don't know ME!? I'm the director! I make the Steel Samurai, n00b! ROFL!" Manella looked mad at Edgeworth puffing up his cheeks as he went on and you just groaned under your breath. The court room was silenced and Edgeworth threw the dirtiest look of annoyance at Manella you've ever seen him give. Manella cowered. "S... Sal Manella. I'm a director. Television." He sounded nervous now.

"Were you at Global Studios on the day of the murder?" The judge ignored the nervousness that crossed over Manella as he turned to look at him. Manella nodded.

"Y-yes, Your Honor." Manella clears his throat, it sounded like he had so much spit in there. You winced a look of disgust on your face.

"My, I've never seen such a..." Mia trailed off behind you in her chair sounding quite, she must not believe what she was seeing. She didn't finish her sentence.

"Hmm..." the judge looked thoughtful as he nodded at long last. "Very well. Please testify to the court about the events of that day." Your head turned to look at Phoenix after the judge talked.

"If Powers is really innocent there's something wrong with Mr.Manella's testimony, he'll slip up once with how nervous he is" you stared Phoenix down as he looked at you nervously himself.

"R-right" Phoenix looked to Manella as he cleared his throat.

"I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning. During the morning, I was doing... umm... an action scene run-through. It took a lot more time than I thought it would. I hear that everyone else ate lunch in the Employee Area...But I had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer, so I ended up skipping lunch. We were in the meeting until around 4:00...During the meeting, well, I'm pretty sure no one left their chairs." Manella had shifted in his chair looking uneasy, he looked green in the face like he was ready to vomit. "That's about it..." he trailed off.

*ON HOLD* Unlawful Attraction: Turnabout Samurai Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora