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"Words are weapons." ― Cassandra Clare

To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed." ― Cassandra Clare

Chapter 4

I woke up feeling rather fresh. Finally, after so long, I had one of those nights when you don't remember your dreams or don't dream altogether. I made an effort to process everything that happened last night, however, the last thing he had done before he went home, wouldn't let me be. At that point, I had tried so hard to remember the awful scene I witnessed in the restaurant, but the only thing I could have think of was his perfectly shaped lips. I considered an option that he was an unearthly creature, yet again. Never in my life have I believed in those things, but I had a feeling that, with him, many beliefs I had would be changed.

Like every addict ever, I took my phone from the nightstand, the first thing in the morning. As I was trying to bring it closer to me, the exact thing that only happens to people with as much of a bad luck like I had, occurred - I dropped it and it fell on my face. Annoyed with myself, I brought it back to my face, but not before I cursed at him.

I was surprised at first, seeing as my evil baby hadn't responded. Feeling utterly confused, I tried to remember at what moment had my nose become so big that he was able to crack my phone. Only after a while, occurrence from last night appeared in my memory. I could clearly see, like it was happening in that very moment, the way Mateo had grabbed it from my hands, cut the call, turned it off and threw it on the backseat. Everything around me seemed to fade as I could only see red. Irritated by his act, I pushed the button, waiting for my phone to turn on.

The moment the display was shown, I noticed I had one missed call and two messages. Like I had suspected, the first message was from Lena. However, I absolutely forgot about that when I realized who sent the second one. I could clearly feel my heart beating faster than ever when I was about to open the said massage, and I'm not sure whether I liked it or not.

'Morning, baby girl, I hope you dreamt of me.'

I smiled, not even aware of it. No matter how much I tried to convince myself I wasn't fond of the given nickname, the truth was much different. Nothing had ever made me feel this special.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I haven't.

I responded as quickly as I could, not wanting him to wait for me anymore, considering that he had sent the message 3 hours ago.

I didn't wait long, probably because he already had his phone with him.

You're breaking my heart.

I shook my head, still with the same stupid smile plastered on my face.

Only after I stopped dreaming of our next encounter did I realize that I still haven't responded to Lena's text. Feeling extremely guilty, I quickly read it.

Hey T, I guess that you're busy, but I just wanted to ask you if you want us to go have a drink tomorrow? Only if you're free, of course.

She was never the one to call you 10 more times if you hadn't answered the first time. I loved that about her, she was always so understanding, probably the only rational one in our group, the world didn't deserve her.

Feeling euphoric more than ever, I immediately called her. She let me wait for quite some time before she picked up and answered me with her sleepy voice.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head," I happily said. If she hadn't been as polite of a person as she was, she would've screamed at me at that moment, breaking my eardrums in the process.

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