Chapter 13: Meet The Alien

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I have no idea where anything is in this school; it looks nothing like my high school. Aside from the cafeteria located at the opposite end of the main entrance, the photography room could be anywhere.

The Photography room.

I recall Pittacus Lore stating that Sarah Hart is likely developing photos around now.

And where Sarah Hart is, John Smith must be near.

I remember reading about John locking himself inside one of the dark photography rooms when he developed his Lumen. I believe it is on the first floor, not far from the entrance.

That's when I see it.

As I walk closer to the center of the school's atrium, I notice a classroom to my right. The light is on. Through the window beside the classroom door, I see what appears to be a green screen.

There isn't anyone inside except a girl with long blonde hair.

She doesn't seem to hear me enter until I speak; "Sarah Hart?"

She jumps, the sound of my voice startling her.

She turns to face me.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?" she asks.

"Yeah," I answer. "You could say that." 

"Why are you here?" she asks.

"I'm looking for John Smith. Do you know where he is?" I ask.

She stares at me. There's something else in her eyes now; something that wasn't there just seconds before. It reads as a hint of jealousy. Again, I don't know how I know this, but something tells me that Sarah Hart is growing jealous. Of me? I don't know. Why? I also am not sure.

Before Sarah can even respond, the door opens and a boy walks in. Though he stops when he sees me.

There he stands. Before my eyes. I never thought I'd see him in person.

Dark blonde shaggy hair. Blue eyes. Square jawline and a perfectly rounded nose. He brings with him the scent of a strong minty fresh cologne.

I must admit; he is hot.

"What's going on?" John asks in a state of confusion. "Who are you?"

I'm tired of introductions. I'm afraid we're running out of time. We need to go.

"I'll explain everything later. When we're safe. Henri and BK are waiting outside," I say worriedly.

"Safe?" asks Sarah. "Why wouldn't we be safe?"

Just as she asks such, do we hear a nearby door open and shut. Viewing out the classroom window, we all see it at once.

A man in a black trench coat. Taller than six – maybe seven – feet. Extremely pale just as I have seen before. There are others close behind him. They speak.

"Begin the search!" the one demands. "It is not long. We will find the boy and he will die soon." 

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