Chapter 78: The Winner and The Loser

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Setrákus' expression changes then from one of skepticism to one of surprise.

He knows.

He understands.

The sincerity in my tone; the genuineness of my actions; the truth in the lingering words to which I have spoken.

All despite my pain.

The thought of my future betrayal doesn't even cross his mind – it doesn't cross mine either. For I have no plans to betray him. I am merely trying to save Five's life.

I'll do anything.

A long-lasting silence emerges in the chilling breeze of the still open docking bay doors.

Until finally, he turns and drops Five, where he lies motionless on the Anubis' floor.

He approaches me and I keep my head bowed in respect.

"Rise," he instructs of me.

Unsteadily, I do as he wants.

I stand. My legs are wobbly but I try to hide it. He takes a syringe out of his inner shirt pocket, holding a familiar black substance. Then he takes my arm in a firm grasp and inserts it into my bicep.

Assuming it's the black ooze, I don't pull away.

Slowly, I feel the pain in my shoulder dissipate. Only the blood remains.

"Thank you, Beloved Leader," I say modestly, keeping my head down.

He smiles and takes the syringe away. Then turns and draws my attention to Number Five, lying still on the floor.

"Go," he instructs. "Heal him."

I look at him in confusion. "Me? How would I-"

"Use your legacy," he instructs. "Give him the energy he needs to survive."

Without another moment of hesitation, I nod and hurry to Five's broken body.

I get down on my knees and press my hands to his twisted arm. I take a deep breath and allow my legacy to go to work.

For a moment it looks better, but not for long.

I move over to his empty eye socket, still seeping blood; and I focus my energy there.

It's the same.

It only looks better for a moment before the blood continues to flow.

Becoming frantic, I desperately try again. And again. And again.

Until Setrákus Ra puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright dear. Clearly your legacy needs further development. We will practice together," he says. "Come. Help me take him to the infirmary."

I do as I'm told, assisting him with my telekinesis to carry Five's body through the corridors to the infirmary, even though he likely doesn't need my help at all.

There are a line of mogs standing near the walls of the hallway, watching as Setrákus Ra and I telekinetically lift the body of the Loric ahead. The same ones Five ordered out of the room not long ago.

I don't look to any of them, my focus on Five.

I promised to protect him. To ensure nothing from Pittacus Lore's tales comes true. Losing an eye. Drowning in ooze. Death.

I was prepared for it to happen to me. Never once did I consider I would fail.

But there he is.

Suspended in front of me with only one eye. Unconscious. He will wear the same eye patch as he did in the story that I dreamed to be a part of. Now, however, I wish I never dreamt such a thing at all. I wish none of this was real; nothing but fiction. Superpowers, Loric, Mogadorians, invasion.

I'm a failure.

I'm an idiot. Perhaps it's impossible to prevent Five's death. Perhaps this is the day he dies. That because I joined the Loric with the hopes to keep everyone alive, I have instead only sped up his death and others'.

How much I hope it isn't true.

Five lets out a low groan and I speed up my walk. I sense Setrákus follow behind me, matching my pace.

"Five, hang in there," I whisper. "Do not give in, I beg you. Out of all the strength you said I have, I will do whatever it takes to save you. I promise. Just stay alive."

Five goes slack in my telekinetic hold.

When we reach the infirmary, Setrákus Ra levitates Five's unconscious body onto a table. He begins connecting cables and strange tubes to his temples, chest, and arms.

I stand behind him, watching as he begins his work.

Majority of the time, I stand in silence and respect yet worried for Five's life.

Until I have the courage to ask, "What's going to happen to him when he's healed?"

Without turning to speak to my face, he answers, "Under normal circumstances, the only solution to our problems is death. However, I realize that you're new to this. For you my dear, I will make his punishment less extreme. Five will be detained. We will hold him in a cell until we are victorious."

He looks at me over his shoulder. I be sure to keep my expression neutral.

"Now go to your room," he demands.

With a respectful nod, I reply straightforwardly, "Yes Beloved Leader."

Then I exit the room, leaving Setrákus Ra with Five's beaten body.

As I walk the halls leading back to my provided room, my eyes locked on the floor and paying no attention to mogs I walk past, I can only think of what I did.

I am one of them now. I lost my battle.

Setrákus Ra has won. 

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