Chapter 141: The Options

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~ In the Perspective of Number Nine ~

"Well, this is bullshit," I say, hands on hips. "Do you suppose he'll be back any time soon?"

Malcolm sighs before replying, "Not until he finds a way to save her, I'm assuming."

I nod in agreement. John can be stubborn like that. Running off on his own without telling any of us where he is going or what he is going to do. Like, for Lore's sake!

This isn't the old days anymore. We aren't running for our survival. There aren't any Mogadorian Commanders marching up our asses. This isn't kill or be killed.

Sure, it was simpler back then – someone threatens you, take em out – but it's more complicated than that now. I'm not one for complications and I think we've all had our own difficulties adapting to it, but we need to learn to work within the grey areas.

We need to work with the options while they are there; and I've looked into the options.

"Alright, let's give Johnny a run for his money and see what he comes up with. If shit hits the fan, we can deal with it then. Who knows? Maybe he'll find a solution of his own faster than we can," I say. My gaze returns to Emily's position on the bed and at that point, I get serious. "In the meantime, we could give my idea a try."

"Your idea?" Malcolm questions.

I nod; pace and continue, "I've been looking into some of the students' files at my desk. Some of them have potential and some of them have the skill. One in particular whom I think is most appealing and up for the task."

"Think one of the students can help?"

"I do," I state with a firm nod. "You mentioned that this parasite is too large to be removed for Emily to survive, right? Like, scientifically speaking." He nods to confirm. "What about the Nigerian kid, Kopano?"

"What about Kopano?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You've seen me train him with his unique legacy. You're aware of my little cupcake game with him. What if we did the same thing with the parasite in Emily's head?" I say, thinking out loud.

"As in using Kopano's phasing legacy to go through Emily's skull, grab the parasite, and pull it out?" Malcolm notes, scratching his chin. "Hmm. That might just work Nine. That might just work."

"What can I say? The kid's got skill. I wonder where he gets it from," I respond first, unable to keep the smile from my face. "I'll go get him. Make sure everything is ready for when he arrives."

Malcolm simply nods and I exit the room in search of Kopano. 

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