Chapter 140: Defeated, Lost, Vengeance

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~ In the Perspective of Number Four, John Smith ~

"John, you need to relax. We're working on a solution," Malcolm says behind me, struggling to remain calm.

"I can't relax," I start, my insides melting with fear. "My girlfriend is comatose, and she might die!" I yell as a tear flows down my cheek. I try to keep my voice level, but judging on their expressions, I can tell I'm failing.

It wouldn't be the only thing I failed at.

It wasn't so long ago that I threatened to hurt her. Although I know that it wasn't really me, at least logically, it was. It was my fault for getting too close to that sniper when I could have stayed away; kept my distance.

I should have.

But I didn't. That sniper got his hands on me and everything seemed to flip upside down. I lost my breath and got an all too dizzying feel that didn't feel right.

Next thing I knew, I had no control of my actions, my thoughts, or my words. I had no control of my legacies.

That prick got inside my head. Lucas Sanders, she said his name was. I was back in that room in Ashwood Estates, watching Emily rest in a three-week coma, when I heard her say it. Through a crack in the wall.

I screamed for that manipulator to let me go. I screamed for him to stop; to put my Loric dagger away from her throat.

But it did nothing. If he heard me, he didn't listen. And Em sure as hell didn't either.

If it weren't for Pixie, all of us would likely be dead. I didn't realize how grateful I'd be for the beastly Komodo Dragon's attack. I still have a bite mark on my left ankle from where she bit and threw me against the wall, knocking me out cold.

Now this is my result.

Here I am again watching the love of my life rest painfully for days without knowing if she will live or die.

I promised to protect her. To keep her safe from any threat. I promised that no harm would come to her. Look how badly I failed.

She was hunted.
She was tortured.
She was kidnapped.
She was scarred.
She was experimented on.
She was traumatized.
She was poisoned.
She had her legacies taken away.
She could've died on more than one occasion.

Look how badly I failed.

How could I let any of that happen? How could I let anything hurt her? How can I live with myself knowing that I wasn't there for her to get through it all?

And yet, why does she keep choosing me? How does she still love me?

Five said she tried to take her own life. That if it weren't for him, she would be dead. The bullet a mere inch away from her skull.

"Keep an extra eye out for her John. Make sure she does nothing reckless," he said that day.

It broke my heart knowing how close I came to losing her. I may be coming just as close today.

"She won't die John. I'll be sure of it," Malcolm responds, and by his words, am I only then brought back to the present. "I'll find a way. You need to trust me."

I feel defeated; like I lost.

I watch her chest slowly rise and fall.

I watch her bite her lip until blood draws out. The tissue I hold is already wet with it; it does little to wipe the blood away. But I dab anyway.

It's then that Nine puts a hand on my shoulder. "John don't worry. We'll find a way to save her. I promise," he says genuinely.

I grasp her hand and beg her to wake up.

"Em, please. Wake up; wake up, you have to."

My chest shudders when I see her still in pain. Her teeth gritted and fists clenched and blood covering her bottom lip and dripping down her chin.

I dab at her lip again.

Only then does Nine step back, releasing his hold on my shoulder.

And I stand.

Without averting my gaze from Emily's body, I stand.

I put a hand on her forehead, and I think to her mind telepathically, "Hold on. Do what you need to in order to hold on. And I will do the same."

She seems to breathe easier then and I can't be sure how long it will last.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and kiss her on her forehead, before saying, "I love her. I can't lose her."

And before anyone can stop me, I leave the room in a hurry.


That is the name that Nine and Five mentioned. A Mogadorian with pink hair.

She did this to Emily.

I will find her, and before I kill her, I will force her to remove the parasite.

I'll do anything to save Emily.


When I came to, Nine and Five were hauling me onto a boat where we travelled across an ocean to get back to the academy.

I hope I'm going the right direction. 

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