Chapter 113: A Perfect Birthday

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I walk the barren road and pass the front gates of the Human Garde Academy. Then head to the Loralite stone a few miles away to teleport to India.

Colonel Archibald smiles and nods as I leave the premise. I pay my respect the same. A friendly gesture I am used to, to ensure that everything will be fine while I'm gone.

Today is my birthday. The day that I turn 17 years old.

And I am on my way to the Himalayan Mountains in India to spend the day with a group of superpowered aliens and a shapeshifting rabbit at my side.

This day couldn't get any better.

John said he'd organize a huge party and have his secret 6-month project finished by today. He knows me best after all. I didn't need to explain to him that I didn't want many surprises.

I just want a normal day.

By the time I reach the Loralite stone, I pick up Pixie in my arms – as I always do. Don't want to get separated during the teleportation, after all. And with my free hand, I reach out and touch the blue cobalt rock. All while picturing the cave in the mountain that I've seen a few times already.

And just like that, California disappears.

The trees and forest and dirt road around me vanish and all goes black for an instant.

It is only disorienting for a second until I focus on my destination: India. Himalayas.


And poof.

"Happy Birthday!"

There stands ahead all of the Garde and all of the Cêpan and all of the Chimærae, including but not limited to Sam and Sarah and Malcolm and Lexa and Adam and Rex. All except Five. 

All of them. They clap and cheer. Hoot and shout. Whistle and holler.

And in front of them all, closest to the stone that I used to teleport and closest to me, is John. Holding a bouquet of pink and purple and magenta flowers. My flowers. Zinnia flowers. The type of flowers that match my middle name.

"Emily Zinnia De Silva," John says with a warm smile and full heart, as he steps forward to present his gift. "Today marks the date of your 17th year. And in the near two years that I've known you, you have filled my life with such purpose and drive. It is because of you that we were able to save our world. We struggled. We hurt. We laughed. We lived. It was always together, whether physically or mentally." Then he goes down to one knee and places a hand on his heart. "My Em, this party, these flowers, this heart, does not even begin to present my love for you. But with Lorien's soul in mine, I will surely try. I know you didn't ask for any surprises, but just this one."

And from his pocket, he pulls out a silver pendant. My pendant. Yet it looks different somehow. More defined with sharper blues and perhaps even a little shinier.

"John..." I start, not knowing how to finish in my amazed tone, my heart rising with excitement. "How-"

"I modified it," he explains, finally bringing himself back to his feet. "I added a thin layer of Loralite to its outer rim. Taken from this stone. So, you can always use it to teleport here whenever you feel."

Before he can say anything further, I stand on my toes and reach up to kiss him long and lasting on his soft pink lips. I hold him and he holds me, clutching the bundle of flowers over his shoulder. I kiss him and he kisses me. Our eyes closed. Our bodies pressed together.

When we finally break apart, I say, "I love you John. It's all perfect."

He smiles and responds, "I'm glad."

Henri brings out a huge cake enough for all of us and lights 17 candles on its top. Everyone sings. Pixie dances around my legs. BK howls and the rest of the Chimærae follow suit. Glasses of champagne are passed around and we all have a seat at the table.

The wooden table with the Loric symbol for unity carved on its surface, just like the Elders had on Lorien as I've seen in my visions. I sit at the head. John sits at my right and Sam sits at my left.

Malcolm, whom sits at the other head, clinks his fork against his glass, bringing all of our attention on him. When the room settles and the chatter dies down, he speaks, "In honor of Emily's grand day. May we drink and be merry."

And we do.

Everyone drinks from their glass.

The rest of the day is spent in celebration. Chatting with everyone to catch up on how their year went, but mostly spending time with John.

It is sunset now and John and I have just returned to the cave after an evening walk. We find Nine and Marina just finishing up their own conversation by the Loralite stone on our approach.

"Nine, are you leaving already?" John asks with a smile.

"Yeah, Archibald will be on my ass if I skip any more than a day off campus," Nine replies playfully. And just then, Agatha comes in and reaches Nine's side to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Hey babe. Ready to go?" Nine then says, turning to A.

"Yeah, Niney Miney," Agatha replies, taking his hand. "It's been a fun day John. Great party. See you two later?"

"Absolutely," John says.

"Happy birthday again Em," says Nine. "See you back in Cal."

"Thanks. I'll meet you there soon."

And then Nine reaches for the stone and him and Agatha both blink away.

"We should probably head back too huh?" John states after a short pause, still clutching tight onto my hand.

"Yeah, ready to go?"

John nods and looks to Marina. "Don't worry about it John. We can handle the rest of the cleanup," she says and smiles.

And like so, we each nod in turn and then teleport.

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