Chapter 104: Loss, Change, & Points In-Between

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I awoke on a cot found on the Loric ship, John and Pixie at my side.

It has been hours since the battle in Ashwood Estates. The sun has risen. It is nearly ten in the morning. Those who slept have woken up. Those who haven't... well, we haven't. Those who have been hurt have been healed. The Chimærae are looking healthy as always.

Lexa has our course piloted to one of her other safehouses. Located in Texas and similarly protected as the one from Alabama. According to her, we will arrive within the next hour.

"Where is Marina?" I ask quietly in a rather down tone.

"She is in the other room," Malcolm answers. "Hasn't said all that much since she woke up. Hasn't even really left that room either. Can't say I really blame her."

I pause, staring at the open doorway where Malcolm pointed, and thinking to myself of how badly I messed up.

I couldn't save Adelina. I tried so hard. But in the end, it wasn't enough. Phiri Dun-Ra had her chance and she took it. Straight through the heart and there was nothing I could do.

Every moment that led up to this point; my joining the Loric cause, mine and Ella's kidnapping, our failed attempt to end him; perhaps it was destined to happen. That no matter what, I could not prevent it.

It still doesn't make me feel any better.

It's my fault. And I have to live with it. Adelina is dead. It doesn't matter how much I tried to prevent it. I failed.

A hand is placed on my shoulder and I turn to find Malcolm standing beside me. Somehow, by looking into his eyes, I know that he understands how I feel.

"None of this is your fault Emily," he says. I turn back to face forward; stare at the doorway where Marina is likely still grieving and return my head in my lap. "Go see her. It seems both of you could use some closure."

I don't say anything, and yet, Malcolm takes his hand away, giving me time to myself.

I take a deep breath; stand, and approach the room where Marina is.

At the fringes of the open doorway, I stop, merely taking the room in before entering.

There is little light. Nothing but a few lit candles with small flickering flames. There is a table in the center. Steel but a black cloth covers it. And on top of the table, lies what looks to be a body with a dark blanket over her.

Marina sits nearby. Next to the body of her lifeless Cêpan, the face uncovered, and eyes closed in a permanent rest.

She doesn't notice me enter and I don't expect her to. Not until I approach the opposite end of the table where Adelina's feet lie. Only then do I feel an aura of cold wash over me. I wish it came from the emptiness of feeling no emotion, but I know it doesn't.

It comes from Marina.

It is then that I glance up to meet her sad eyes.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, myself nearly in tears yet trying to hold strong for her. "I'm so, so sorry."

For a long while, Marina does not say anything. Simply turning and sitting in silence, watching her Cêpan lie motionless in front of her.

Then she speaks. Not to me or Adelina or herself or anyone. She just speaks.

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