Chapter 70: Love Sparks an Agreement

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Not long after I return from my exploration of the Anubis does Setrákus come for me to bring me to the Banquet Hall.

"Dinner. Come. Now," he states, his voice cold and demanding. Perhaps slightly agitated as well.

There's no doubt he noticed the destruction in his infirmary to his precious experiments.

I can't help but smirk and hurriedly get up from the bed and leave my room. Again, I follow close behind him.

Seated in the Banquet Hall beside Ella, Setrákus stares at me with fire in his eyes.

This time I will not eat anything he gives me, no matter what.

An intense silence ensues.

I keep a close eye on Ella, resting a hand gently on hers to offer a sense of comfort.

Soon enough, Setrákus begins to conversate, "I saw what you did in the infirmary." I don't say anything. I'm not worried or scared. I just want to see how this plays out. He continues strictly, "You will regret your actions. My experiments and methods are not to be toyed with."

"Aw, I'm sorry. Did I screw up your plans? It's not like it will do you any good anyway," I reply with my arms crossed.

I glance at Ella through the corner of my eye and find that she's smiling slightly. Seems she's glad for my act of misbehavior. However, I can also see that she's worried I'll get into trouble.

Setrákus drops his fork and knife so they clang loudly against his metal plate.

He's angry.

"Are you deliberately trying to irritate me girl?" he asks, struggling to remain calm.

"No," I respond with only a quick second of thought. "Why? Are you getting irritated?"

He noisily gets up from his seat, scraping his chair loudly against the polished floor, and walks toward me.

Only now do I begin to slightly regret my actions.

"That's it. I can't have you like this when we arrive on Earth. Come with me," he orders, stricter and harsher.

Before I can object, he grabs my wrist, pulls me out of the chair, and drags me away.

I reach out to Ella, not wanting to leave her, but he forces me away. I have no choice but to follow. Ella yells my name from behind though she's quickly out of sight.

I don't know where he's taking me. I don't really want to know.

"Let me go," I demand, fighting to get free.

His grip only tightens.


I'm dragged to another room.

This one is fairly lit. Adequately spaced. A metal chair in the center, surrounded by carts containing a variety of substances. None of which I know the purpose of.

He lets go of my wrist and gestures to the chair.

"Have a seat," he demands, an odd satisfaction in his voice.

"No way," I say immediately, crossing my arms defiantly. He may be able to do whatever he wants to me, but I won't let him do it with ease.

A sigh leaves his disappointed lips and he shakes his head. It's as if I'm a child and he's trying to discipline me. I don't need to be disciplined. I already know right from wrong.

"When will you understand? You are aboard my ship. That means you obey me," he states.

"I won't," I say firmly.

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