Chapter 14: The Transformation

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John steps back. I can feel his energy go cold; can feel the dread run through.

"Who is that?" Sarah asks, beginning to panic.

"We need to get out of here," John says, not acknowledging Sarah's comment.

I nod in agreement.

Pixie is growing restless. If I'm not mistaken, that can only mean one thing. She looks to me as if seeking approval. I nod once; and Pixie begins to change form.

From a cute rabbit to a large beast with sharp teeth and claws, she has grown at least three times larger than us.

"Woah, wh-what's going on?!" shouts Sarah in shock and awe.

"Is she-" John starts in question. I only smile in response. "A Chimæra. You had a Chimæra. Are you-"

I shake my head rather quickly and reply, "I'll explain everything later John. For now, we need to get out of Paradise."

And so, with Pixie's help, we are able to escape the school. For the most part, Pixie leads us out, destroying any Mogadorian that is in our way. John, with his mostly untrained Lumen, does his best to keep our path lit without giving away our location to an overwhelming amount of mogs.

Soon we reach Henri's truck, parked out front. Pixie shapeshifts back into a rabbit and climbs into the truck with me. We pick up Sam and drop off Sarah with the little time we have before the Mogadorians catch up to us.

Then we are driving south of Paradise's border. 

A Hero In The DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon