Chapter 93: The Good Mogadorian

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It's 4:16 am. The sun hasn't even risen by the time John and I meet the rest of our allies in the main building of Ashwood Estates.

"Are you sure they can't listen in?" John asks Adam before explaining.

"I disabled the comm systems the day we took the place over. Relax John. No one is listening in any time soon," the trueborn replies, returning the wolf in his lap back down to the floor. "Now what is it that's so important that it couldn't wait till morning?"

Our hands held, there is urgency in both our voices as John and I speak in unison, "We have to go to West Virginia."

Everyone stares, including our new supposed FBI allies. Everyone but Malcolm I see, whom stands patiently among the others, waiting for their reactions.

"Why?" Nine asks with a raised eyebrow.

The group is suddenly quiet. Even BK and Pixie make no noise.

"John, we talked about this. We aren't ready to face Setrákus Ra again," Henri states.

"We're not going to fight him. We don't have to," John clarifies.

"Then why do we need to go there?" asks Eight.

"Yeah," Marina agrees. "Do you realize how dangerous it is? Especially since Emily is just coming out of a coma?"

"I feel fine," I assure, even though I don't really. My body still feels weak, dehydrated, and malnourished. And I feel a slim layer of exhaustion rest within me, the little sleep I had containing her screams and pleas.

"I have to agree," Adam chimes in. "I'm sorry to say, but it seems like a very idiotic decision. To face whoever is waiting for us inside to do whatever it is you want to do? Whether that means Setrákus Ra or a thousand mogs left, right, and center? Now is not the time."

"Frankly, if we were to face Setrákus Ra again, I'm not too sure what we could do with the scar on Emily's ankle," says Five. "It would mean we'd have no way of hurting him without hurting Emily."

Everyone goes silent.

"Why do you want to go back there?" Ella asks at last, bringing the group back on task.

"Emily thinks there's another Garde there," John states.

"I know there is," I correct. "I saw her in a vision when Pittacus Lore came to me during my coma. Her name is Agatha, and I think she's invincible."

"Invincible?" Ella asks, confused.

"Meaning she can't be hurt or killed Ella," Crayton explains.

"It's true," Malcolm adds. "I believe you Emily."

"We have to free her and bring her here," I urge. "She can help us. It's another person Setrákus Ra has to deal with."

"We know nothing about this Garde though," Adelina comments. "How do you know they are even Garde? Or Loric at all? How do we know they aren't some..." I catch Adelina glance momentarily at Five. I see her hesitate, yet she finishes the thought anyway, "traitor."

I explain to everyone what I told John and Malcolm; what I saw. How she didn't die when attacked by mogs; how she wasn't crushed to death by debris; that she's likely been held in a cell ever since the fall of Lorien.

"Although I understand the urgency of the situation, if we were to do this, is it really the smartest idea for all of us to go risk our lives?" Malcolm questions.

"I would be happy to accompany you if you need the backup," Agent Walker speaks abruptly after standing in a conversation that she likely doesn't know anything about.

"No," Henri replies. "We're not letting you or your team get injured or killed by mogs because of our mistake. If she really is one of us like you say Emily, we have no choice but to set her free."

"Is it possible we could just go invisible, sneak in like last time, get this girl – whoever she is – and leave without any trouble? We've done it before and it worked well," Six suggests.

"That's not a bad idea," Crayton says. "But who will go?"

"I know what she looks like. I can probably find her fairly quickly," I mention.

"Okay, that makes one. Either Six or I need to go too to use invisibility," John adds.

"I think you should go John," Six says, which surprises me. "You have more legacies at your disposal should you need them."

John nods.

"I'm coming too," Adam says abruptly, standing from his chair.

A short half-hearted laugh sounds from one of Walker's men and we all turn to stare at him in confusion.

"Why do you laugh Robinson?" Agent Walker asks critically.

"Forgive me but that does not sound like the best idea," the agent – Robinson – starts. "Letting a Mogadorian go with you into a rescue mission? It doesn't seem smart."

"You don't grant us permission," chimes Six with an attitude. "You never have."

No one responds to that, a thick silence spreading between us.

I notice Walker stare coldly at her colleague, long enough to make him nervous and fidget his hands.

"Yes," the agent suddenly replies, seemingly ashamed. "I apologize. We must work together."

Another brief silence.

"Anyway," Adam continues. "I may be able to help find information on the scar branded to Emily's ankle. I know Setrákus Ra keeps a record of his experiments and discoveries in that cave. I might be able to find out something."

"So, you want to split up in that cave?" John asks. "You'll be more vulnerable alone."

"I can handle it," Adam assures.

I stare at the Mogadorian.

"Adam, you don't need to," I finally say. "I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine. It's too dangerous for you to go in there. Setrákus Ra is hunting you; he wants you dead."

"He wants all of us dead," Adam corrects coldly. Then warms his tone and continues, "Besides, I want to Emily. If there's a chance I can get to Setrákus Ra's records, we might be able to rid the charm he put on you."

Adam smiles, his perfect white teeth gleaming in the dim lighting of the room. I return the gesture.

I never expected a Mogadorian to risk his life for me; to go where all of his people are lurking just to find a way for me to be truly free again. I know Adam understands the dangers involved. There were times where he almost died too, just like any of us. To his father, to Ivanick. At Plum Island; and yet he is willing to put his life on the line again. For me.

It warms my heart to see. I wish I could be by his side to ensure nothing goes wrong, but as discussed, there are two tasks at hand.

"Alright let's not forget," Six states. "John, you'll need a free hand to make Agatha invisible on your way out. I'll go with Adam."

With only a moment of thought, John simply nods.

"Well, I guess that's settled," Henri says. "Adam will go with Six to find information on the charm tying Emily's life to Setrákus Ra, while she and John go to free Agatha." 

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