Chapter 131: Activation Required

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"John, can you hear me?"

I wait; try with everything I have that I can reach his mind halfway around the world.

But no. There is no response.

Even with my eyes closed and teeth gritted in concentration to hold a telepathic link between two minds thousands of miles apart, my telepathy isn't as strong as it once was.

It only brings back disappointment. I used to be able to communicate to any of the Loric from any distance no matter how far away any of us were. I used to be able to communicate to hundreds at a time. And yet, only a few days is enough to bring my skills down to zero again.

"Is everything alright love?" asks the scrawny British punk kid sitting in the armchair near me with his combat boots over the edge. "Or is your plan to help my evil mother working less than it should?"

Bea has been making preparations all day for our trip to Switzerland, constantly on the phone in the other room talking to people she manages. Nigel and I can hear her even with the door closed, though not everything is heard clearly.

Not that I can worry about eavesdropping. Apart from my failed attempts to reach John over long distance telepathic communication, I still need to worry about getting my hands on a phone.

"I- I'm not exactly working with your mother Nigel," I respond in a low whisper to ensure Bea doesn't overhear. "I'm sorry; you left the academy before I got back and before we made the plan."

When Nigel's confusion only deepens, I explain, "I needed a cure to rid a poison that was unwillingly injected into my body. Not only was it going to kill me in 10 days if I didn't find one, but it blocked me off from using my legacies. To survive and get my abilities back, I needed an extremely rare element called astatine. That of which the Foundation had."

"Ah, so you infiltrated them to get the cure and your powers back and now you need an out," Nigel finishes.

I shake my head.

"Not an out," I correct. "Not exactly. I need a phone."

Nigel tilts his bleached mohawk to the side. "A phone? Why is that?"

I gesture to my forearm where Malcolm implanted the tracking device and inform Nigel of its existence also. I explain how it works and how I need a phone to activate it.

"Can you help me out Nigel?" I ask at the end of all the explanations.

Nigel only smiles as Bea comes into the room, placing her cell phone back into the holder at her waist.

"Well, it took a while to arrange, but everything is finally set. Are both of you ready to go?" she says upon entering.

I nod and stand. Nigel does not.

"Cheers mum," he starts dryly at first. "We are finally going to Switzerland. Can I have just one more homecooked meal before we go and rule the world?"

Bea rolls her eyes in spite of her son's banter. "Enough hun. These are trying times. We are all trying to make the most out of these situations we find ourselves in," she replies. "I'll be waiting in the car. Both of you, feel free to join me when you are ready."

And as Bea leaves the room to head outside, I almost miss the phone floating harmlessly from where it rested at her waist just seconds ago.

I look to Nigel just before it falls and I catch it with my own telekinesis.

"Thanks," I say quietly, bringing the phone to my hand.

"Don't mention it," Nigel responds, wiping sweat from his forehead, the exertion of his telekinetic control seemingly too much. "Now, what is it that you need to do?"

And at the question he asked, I know Nigel will play this safely on my side.

I glance at the phone, turn it on, and dial a number. A number that I have committed to memory a long time ago. One that has never been forgotten. I put it up to my ear and wait.

It rings.

Once then again.

It rings a third time before I hear his voice.


"I don't have much time and they might be listening in," I say into the speaker. "We need to hurry."

"Put the phone up to your forearm," he instructs.

I do so and his voice comes through again, this time quieter with my ear away from the receiver.

"Activate," he commands, his voice suddenly robotic and monotone.

I don't feel anything. I don't feel any change in my arm from the device. I have doubts that it worked at all. If it didn't, we're in trouble. I need to make sure.

"Did it work?" I ask.

"Yes!" Sam shouts. "We see you!"

Great. Now onto the next stage of the plan.

They should be here with us soon.

I hang up the phone and give it back to Nigel and the two of us make our way outside to where Bea waits in an army transport jeep, similar to the one from my travel to the lab. There is a mercenary in the vehicle with her and dozens more in other surrounding vehicles that look the same.

"Ready?" asks Bea.

I nod and Nigel and I climb into the back seats.

"Forget your phone mum?" Nigel asks and hands it to her before he shuts the door behind him. She takes it and thanks him and turns back to face forward without even thinking twice.

I can't help but glance at Nigel subtly and smile as our driver puts the car into drive. And at that point, we are moving southeast, toward Engelberg, Switzerland. 

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