Chapter 142: Parasidal Parasite

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~ In the Perspective of Malcolm Goode ~

After setting up for the procedure, I take a seat in the chair beside the bed. Pixie watches as I do.

The concerned lightly tanned Chimæra hasn't left Emily's side ever since her fit of screaming, resting almost peacefully at her left hand.

I run a hand over her fur and gesture a soft smile, trying to reassure the Loric animal that she will be alright. Of course, I have no idea if she will be. I can only hope.

My hand drifts to Emily's hand and I rub my thumb against the back of her palm; whisper as I do, "Just hang in there a little while longer Emily. We'll find a way."

She hasn't stopped biting hard on her lip nor has the blood ceased to drip. I take a fresh wet tissue and dab at the redness until the paper becomes wet the same.

I continue this pattern for some time: rub, plea, clean, repeat.

Until eventually, Nine and Kopano burst into the room.

"Alright. Are we ready?" Nine asks immediately, clapping his hands together.

"I think so," I respond, quickly rubbing a tear out of my eye. Kopano approaches the end of Emily's bed, looking rather worried. I wonder how much Nine told him. "Kopano?" I start then, addressing him only. "Did Nine fill you in?"

He takes a moment before answering, staring at Emily lying motionless on the bed. "Emily has some sort of parasite in her? Like a bug? Why? How? Who would do such a thing?" he wonders in answer, not meeting any of our eyes.

"Kopano, I said I'll give you all the details later. Right now, we don't have much time. She doesn't have much time," Nine explains urgently. "Can you do this? The cupcake in the box?" he asks.

"The cupcake?! As in the game you use to train my legacy?! Professor, this is nothing like that," he starts, keeping an eye trained on Emily's unconscious body. "I mean, I want to help Emily as much as any of you, believe me, but I just don't know if I can. I've never been able to get the cupcake out. Every time I've cut myself on the barbed wire, either going in or coming back out. For all I know, I'll turn my skin dense again and the parasite will be stuck in her."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Kopano. I know you can do it. You may not have been able to get the cupcake out of the box as of yet, but that doesn't mean you can't do this. In my time spent with the Loric, I've learned that desperation can often be exactly what is needed. Training may not matter; only that you see what's at stake: Emily's life," I say, gesturing to Emily's motionless body on the bed. "Your body will do what it needs to do Kopano. The Loric Entity gave you that legacy for a reason; and I believe, it is exactly what we need at this time," I add.

With a final glance at Emily, Kopano nods and responds, "Okay. I'll try."

"That's what I like to hear," Nine says proudly.

With that, Kopano approaches the side of the bed and takes a deep breath.

"The scanner will show where your hand is, where the parasite is, and any internal organs. Just go slow and take your time," I explain. "Ready when you are Kopano," I add, standing behind the monitor displaying an x-ray of Emily's internals.

He places a hand on Emily's forehead and takes another deep breath in.

Then makes his hand transparent.

With a few glances at the x-ray monitor, Kopano guides his hand to where the parasite is located. To the center of her brain. Deep and deeper.

Soon, his hand is fully immersed in Emily's head. I must admit; it's a strange sight to be observing. I cannot understand how it must feel to actually do it.

There is dead silence in the room while the monitor shows Kopano grab hold of a grey blob. The parasite.

And as he begins to slowly pull it out, I notice Emily's fist tighten. It almost looks as if she's in pain. Nine and I exchange an uneasy glance.

Being the first to respond, I slowly take a seat beside the bed – quietly enough so as not to disturb Kopano, and I take hold of her hand in a firm clutch. Her fist seems to loosen under my touch, and I whisper, "It's ok Emily. You're going to be alright."

I turn my attention back to Kopano, who is now gritting his teeth in an attempt to maintain his phasing legacy. I hope he can hold it for long enough. Even a single flicker back to his regular density could result in Emily's end.

Minutes have passed. It is so silent; if a pin dropped, it could startle all of us.

None of us know how long Kopano will be able to hold it. Based on his expression, it's obvious he's having difficulty maintaining the transparency. And so, I utter quietly, "Almost there."

With a deep breath, Kopano doesn't respond, simply closing his eyes to focus.

Soon, the parasite is out. A disgusting vile creature with the body of a caterpillar and legs of a spider. Long and squirmy. Slimy not furry. Eight legs that I find creepy enough to lay eyes on.

Kopano holds it out far enough from his body with a look of disgust. "Gross. Gross, gross, gross," he says repeatedly.

I grab a glass jar from the nearby counter where the computer sits and Kopano dumps it inside. I slam the lid down on the opening to avoid it from getting out.

"Good work Kopano. Now that that's out of the way, hopefully Emily will wake up soon," I congratulate. Then gesture to the bug. "I'll do some studying about this guy here and analyze some of the details."

"Thank you, Malcolm," Nine says. "And thank you Kopano. We couldn't have done it without you. I think Emily is finally going to be just fine," he adds, patting Kopano on the back proudly.

"I hope so. Please let me know how she's doing, right Professor?"

"Will do," Nine says with a smile. "Now come on. Let's go get some coffee. I think we've earned it."

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to stay here with Emily," I say, taking a seat next to the bed once more.

Nine simply nods and Kopano smiles as they both exit the room. 

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