Chapter 150: School Brawl

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~ Thursday ~

Everything up until Art class is smooth flowing. That is when emotions play into my day. Mostly emptiness and longing and love, or lack thereof. And once I start feeling, I can't shut it all out.

I nearly cry in Gym class and retreat to the changerooms to be alone and simply let myself sob. I don't know how I am able to trudge through it.

The only time of the day where my mind seems to clear is on the walk home.

I walk home alone today, my backpack weighing next to nothing. I take the path through the forest instead of along the street, just for the sheer change in scenery.

Though today there is a different energy in the air than what I am used to. People talk behind and around me, but louder voices come from further down the path. It isn't necessarily screaming nor is it as calm as happy chatter.

I speed up my walk and that is when I see them.

A tall schoolboy with long shaggy blond hair standing over a tanned boy with a brown buzz cut, who is on the floor at his feet. He looks beaten and bruised; more of the feeble type. They are in a fight, in the middle of a crowd.

"Something wrong freak?! Too weak to stand up for yourself Gordan?! Come on! Show us what you can do!" shouts the blonde that is nearly twice his size. He kicks the kids' backpack rigorously and the group of thirty or so friends standing behind him all laugh and shout words that only encourage his behavior.

I don't sit well with bullies. They are the reason my best friend passed early. No.

No, I definitely do not sit well with bullies.

I can feel my palms light up with a fiery and rage-inducing glow, home of my Eneration.

"Leave me alone, Tom," Gordan says dimly. The other kids snicker and laugh as Tom delivers another kick to his ribs. Gordan howls in pain.

Full of hate and unbridled emotion, I take a step forward and that is all I need.

A ray of energy emits through my foot into the ground below directly at the scene, rattling the surrounding trees unnaturally. Most of the bystanders watching go silent then and look upon the forest around them, now uneasily.

"Uh, Tom?" one of them say nervously, eyeing the trees nearby.

Tom doesn't acknowledge the unusual shake of the trees at all, his eyes locked on the helpless kid at his feet. "Not now. I'm about to win a fight," he says as he cracks his knuckles loudly for everyone to hear.

Before he can pounce on Gordan to deliver another blow, I aim my palm at his chest from afar and blast a beam of energy directly at him, using only enough to daze him and knock him off his feet. As he shouts in surprise more than pain, the entire crowd gasps whilst turning their heads in the direction of the attack.

And here, standing in the middle of the path, seen by everyone, I approach the group confidently but keep my distance all the same to keep them all in my sight.

Tom is already making his way back to his feet, unsteady and slow, but still, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Leave him alone Tom," I say strictly. "Go home."

Tom stares at me, looks to his friends, then at Gordan with malevolent power in his eyes. Then continues the same, "Who's this Gordan?! Your girlfriend come to fight your battles for you?!"

Gordan doesn't move; seems like he can't. This time none of Tom's friends make a sound.

Until one of them whispers, "Tom, you idiot! That's Emily. As in from the invasion? Do you have any idea how strong she is?"

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