Chapter 98: Hot and Cold

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The following day, we spend most of our time investigating the subbasement levels of Ashwood Estates.

While Nine and Agatha go over some basic drills and techniques, I was tasked with taking down as many notes as I can of Agatha's legacies. Due to the fact that she hasn't been in anything as close as a situation like the other Garde, she hasn't had much opportunity or expertise to train her legacies.

So we decided to help her out with that.

So far, my notes indicate that she is capable of:

Invincibility - Pisces? / protects against the elements / wounds do not create pain
Telekinesis - moderate control / decent precision / max. weight attained: 22 kg / can withstand a total of 6 min without faltering
Manipulation of temperature? - Ability to raise or lower temperature? / does that make her immune to extremes? / max. heat = 90°F / max. chill = -20°F / possibility of hypothermia and hyperpyrexia?/ how to control?

Malcolm said anything at all that resembles what she can do may help us give her the proper training that she needs. Even while watching Nine and Agatha spar, it doesn't seem like she has much control over her newly developed legacy.

The ability to manipulate the temperature at will. An interesting one, I must admit. How does it work? I have no idea. Will it allow her to kill any Mogadorian that opposes her? Or is it simply to make the enemy less comfortable on the field of battle?

Perhaps Henri or Adelina or Crayton will know what to do. Or even Malcolm. If he isn't too busy going through files in the Mogadorian database with Adam and Rex, maybe he might have some ideas.

"Focus!" Nine shouts, running up the wall of the mog training facility. "Listen to your instincts!"

"I'm trying!" Agatha shouts in reply. "I don't know how to work it! It just happens! One minute, it's normal. And the next, it rises like 20 degrees."

I can tell she's getting frustrated. I can't blame her.

It takes a while to understand how to use a legacy. Hell, it took a long time to fully understand how to use my legacy, Eneration. Let alone realize its full capabilities or the others. Telekinesis feels like second nature now, but it didn't always. It was difficult to figure out how to levitate an object without losing focus or flow. Telepathy was confusing as it is without the excess thoughts coming in on their own accord.

Yeah; it takes a lot to figure out how legacies work. Time, patience, guidance. I don't know how much of any of that we can offer to Agatha.

"Nine, be gentle with her," I think to his mind on the sidelines.

"She needs to learn how to use her legacy in high stress situations," I hear him think back.

"Argh! I can't get any of this right!" Agatha complains. "Nothing I try works."

Nine runs down the wall, straight toward Agatha, his pipe staff in hand. Agatha only stands there, removed from her fighting stance. She sweats and breathes heavily, her white tank top soaked. Yet stands easy. I suppose she expects Nine to stop, her body giving up on training for today.

John and I know better.

Agatha is new. She doesn't know Nine's training methods like we do. Not yet at least. Nine won't stop. And Agatha won't be able to defend herself before his pipe staff reaches her chest. She's quick, but she isn't that quick. As far as I've seen, nothing can match Nine's speed and agility.

"Nine, stop!" John shouts before I get a chance to. And he does, a mere inch away from Agatha's nose. "That's enough for today."

For the first few seconds, Nine doesn't move, only staring at the new girl with such fierce disappointment. Though I can see him hint a slight smirk.

I approach Agatha and lead her away from Nine, while he and John talk.

"You alright?" I ask her gently.

"He wasn't going to stop?" she asks, not meeting my gaze. "I know I'm invincible, but I thought you said none of them would try anything..."

"That's just Nine. He can get a little overzealous sometimes," I try to explain. "But other than that, he's as much friend as any of us."

Agatha says nothing; keeps her eyes down.

I put a hand on her shoulder, encouraging her to look up at me. "We're all doing what we can to help you Agatha. All of us; we all have different experiences with legacies and how to develop them. As disrespectful and offensive as Nine can be, he is still an excellent fighter."

"I just don't see how sparing one-on-one will help me control the temperature," she says. "Is that even what I can do?"

"I don't know," I tell her honestly. "It's possible. But there might be more to it. Legacies take time A. They won't show until you're ready."

"How will I know when I'm ready?"

I release my hold on her shoulder; offer a slight smile.

"Only Lorien knows. You just need to trust in it," I say. "Why don't you go talk to Six. She can manipulate wind and air. She might be able to give you some advice."

A moment passes. Though she nods and replies, "Do you know where she is?"

I focus; reach out to Six's mind via telepathy, "Six, do you have a minute?"

Without a minute to spare, I hear her thoughts respond, "Sure. What do you need?"

"A's training. Do you think you can help her out?"

A pause, where no thoughts come through. Though before I can ask if she is there or if she can still hear me, I hear her again.

"Northeast balcony of the third house on the premise," she thinks. "Sam and I are just chilling."

I inform Agatha and she heads off to talk to Six. Then turn to John and Nine, who have begun arguing about who would be the better trainer.

"Desperation is a solid strategy Johnny!" Nine shouts. "Just ask your girlfriend."

John sighs. "It isn't when you don't need it," he disagrees. "You can learn more if you just take the time to develop the legacies properly."

"But we don't know how much time we have," I counter.

John and Nine both turn to stare at me.

"Yes! Thank you! See John, Em gets it. Why can't you?"

John only shakes his head in annoyance. I approach his side to hold his hand in mine and plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

"He does get it Nine," I state. "We all do. I'm going to go see Malcolm; see how he's keeping up. He might have an idea on what to do with regards to the notes I took. Any of you want to come?"

John nods.

Nine waves his hand carelessly. "Nah. You go do what you need to do. I'm staying down here to get some exercise in," he answers, casually twirling his pipe staff in his other hand.

"That's fine," I say simply, before turning with John to the exit of the room. "Come on Pixie. Let's go find Gamera."  

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