Chapter 84: Together As One

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I follow the same quiet and eerie corridors as last time.

Soon to find the well with the blue glow – the same well in which we committed the Phoenix Stones to the Entity.

The glow is similar to my legacy.

Slowly and cautiously, I inch closer to the well and peer down it.

That's when I hear a voice.

Strangely, it doesn't sound human. It is calming yet rigid at the same time; holds a majestic tone. It echoes off the cavern walls.

It speaks to me, its voice sounding like a thousand voices combined, as it did the last time.

"Hello Emily."

Surprised, I take a nervous step back.

"Lorien? Is that you?" I say, staring at the well worriedly.

"Indeed, it is I child," it responds. "The Great Entity you are fighting to protect. I know much about you. For it was I who guided Pittacus Lore in granting you with my power."

Confusion spreads within me as I am silent to process this.

"Eneration?" I ask. "That was you?"

"Indeed," says it.

I'm in awe, and so, remain silent, forgetting my purpose here until I snap to.

"I came to warn you. Setrákus Ra is here. Outside the Sanctuary. He wants to take your power. You have to hide someplace safe," I state, a slight panic in my voice.

"There is nowhere safe for me child. At any moment, he could make his way in. Yet he cannot hurt me. Only use me," it informs.

"The Garde will be here soon. We'll protect you," I say.

"You have my gratitude, but you are not powerful enough to stop what he has planned. Only together, can we stop chaos from ensuing," it says.

"Together?" I wonder aloud. "As in, me and you?"

"Yes," it speaks.

I notice a mossy piece of the well's cobblestone wall glow blue, just like the inside of it; just like my legacy.

"Place your hand on this stone," the Entity instructs. "Let me show you what is waiting for you and the Garde."

I do as it asks. Because why not listen to the thing that granted you with such power?

I step closer to the well and place my hand on the glowing stone.

And as soon as I touch it, my vision travels quickly from inside this room to outside the Sanctuary.

It's very disorienting.

Though once it goes still, I understand what the Entity means.

There are Mogadorians surrounding the old temple. At least fifty in every direction. Setrákus Ra stands where I last saw him, by the Anubis' extended ramp. There are multiple cannons, rockets, and bombs attached to various places on the giant warship's underbelly. A long funnel-like tube projects outward from underneath the massive vessel until it spreads along the clearing where the Loric force field once set.

What is he planning?

Along the outer barrier of mogs, I see a smaller silver ship, unlike any Mogadorian Skimmer.

Lexa's ship. They're here.

In an instant, I've gotten an exceptional glimpse of the surrounding jungle around the Entity's resting place and am now back in that cavern.

I pull my hand away from the stone with a gasp.

"What is he doing?!" I say in a state of panic.

"He is going to destroy this place. And everyone in it," the Entity says.

"Everyone in it? Even me?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"The two of us need to join forces," the Entity urges without answering my question.


"Come to me," it instructs.

I'm not sure what it means at first. Then I understand.

After watching the blue light from the well shimmer, I peer down the well again, into the blue light.

I know what I need to do.

I do as it says.

I climb onto the wall of stone and drop down into the azure light.

It's an overwhelming sensation.

Like a battery that's being overcharged. Like someone coming off a roller coaster that had extreme loops and turns. Like someone getting high and a crazed look in their eyes.

Though it doesn't cause any nauseating feeling or sickness or render me unconscious or anything.

Rather, it feels good.

It's overpowering. Adrenaline-seeking. Energizing.

All that intense energy being exposed to my body; strangely, it feels similar to my legacy. It's the exact same feeling I get when I use my Eneration, except now, I am fully in control.

I land on the ground of the well with a thud.

My eyes aglow, I stand tall, fists emanating a bright blue light.

I can hear the voice of Lorien in my mind:

"We are now one."

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