Chapter 19: Enter Marina And Ella

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Henri knocks on the door to the orphanage and one of the nuns answer within the minute, dressed in their usual religious uniform; their navy-blue robes and their heads covered with matching bonnets.

"Hi there. We were wondering if we could speak to Marina and Adelina," Henri starts normally, recalling the names I gave.

"Neither of them told us they were expecting visitors," the sister responds somewhat sternly.

Henri is silent, unsure of how to respond initially.

"We wanted to surprise them by showing up unexpectedly," he lies.

The nun gives us a raised eyebrow, but quickly complies and turns to get them.

Though the nun does not return, a girl with long dark hair arrives with an older woman whom I assume is Adelina.

"Who are you guys?" the older woman asks.

The girl's eyes light up when she sees John. "John Smith? I've heard about you online. What are you doing here?" she says.

John looks to be a little bit embarrassed to be known so well, running a hand through his unkept – but rather cute – hair.

"Well, uh, my friend Emily here said you might be in danger. We're not sure why but we thought we'd come by to check," John explains.

"Listen," the older woman starts. "I don't know who you are but if you think we're going to fall for your plan, whatever it is, you're wrong. Let's go Marina."

As Adelina begins walking away, I speak up from behind Henri, "Wait. We know who you are."

Adelina stops; turns and stares at us, but particularly me.

"What did you say?" she asks suspiciously.

"Marina, I know you're a Garde from Lorien. I know your number and what you're capable of. You may think you're safe here, but that's simply not the case. The mogs are supposed to be here right now. They've been trailing you for who knows how long. We've come to get you out of here. We're starting to come together and join forces. You must know that John is a Garde too right?" I explain.

Marina nods in answer to my question.

"How can we even trust you? How do we know you're not Mogadorians?" Adelina asks skeptically.

"Adel," Henri starts in reply. Adelina resembles an expression similar to surprise at the sound of her name from Lorien. Though it soon fades as Henri continues, "I understand your skepticism. I would react just the same if I were in your place; but you must remember. Remember Lorien. Remember what we are fighting for. Remember what the Mogadorians have done. They are here now. They know you are here. You are Marina's Cêpan. You have a duty to train and protect her. See it in your heart because you know it is true."

Adelina looks to be uncomfortable. An awkward silence quickly forms.

John, Six, Sam, and I remain silent as we watch as Henri tries to help Adelina understand.

"Adelina, we have to go with them. Can you please get my Chest?" Marina pleads, breaking the silence.

Seeming ashamed of her imprudence, Adelina agrees, "You're right. If the Mogadorians are here, we need to leave. I'm so sorry everyone."

"Thank you," Henri says, seeming relieved.

Once Adelina leaves to retrieve Marina's Chest, I ask, "Marina, has a young girl named Ella come by the orphanage recently?"

"Yes. Why?" she answers.

"She needs to come with us as well," I state.

Everyone turns their attention to Marina and me.

"Why?" Sam asks from behind.

"She's Loric too. I'll explain later. Can you get her please?" I ask urgently.

Marina nods and heads off in search of Ella.

While waiting, we meet a man named Crayton, of whom we learn to be Ella's Cêpan.

When the three of them return, we leave. 

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