Chapter 120: The Calm Before The Storm

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For a long moment, I only stare in silence.

Then the anger kicks in, unleashed before I can stop it.

"You," I start, unsure of what to think or how to act. "You work with the Foundation. I know about you. You're a Human Garde whose legacy is telekinesis and emotional manipulation. During the invasion, your parents were MogPro, and they were going to turn you over to Setrákus Ra. At which point you manipulated them and turned them against each other. And now-"

"Yes, okay, you've made your point," the kid interrupts, holding up a hand, seemingly confused yet more baffled at how I knew his past than anything. "Now you think I'm here to manipulate you."

I stare at him coldly. Then say with a touch of fear in my voice that I am unable to hide, "Well, are you?"

"No," he answers directly. "I have no reason to."

"Then why are you here?"

"Let me explain," is all he says before gesturing for me to sit at the small round table. I refuse and only he ends up sitting. "I met Number Five when I was tasked in investigating the whereabouts of a segmented organization about an hour away. That was a few months ago. Surveying the scene outside of a café when Five approached my table."

"I was just flying about, having finished work around the island. So, I decided to fly around the city a bit and pick up a coffee for myself," Five explains, walking over to the table to sit next to Einar.

I don't know how Five can be so relaxed with having Einar here. Einar is a murderer. A psycho. A kid that has no problems with killing anyone that gets in his way of accomplishing his goals. I know because Pittacus Lore knows. For he foretold about Einar Magnusson too. In the Legacies Reborn, it was Einar that kidnapped Taylor, manipulated Kopano, and killed Nigel.

But I wouldn't expect Five to know that.

However, one thing I can expect is for Einar to manipulate him. How would I know?

How would I know if Einar is manipulating me or Five? Apart from doing anything we wouldn't normally do, is there a way to tell when Einar is using his legacy?

I don't know. I need to be careful; but I also need to figure out what's going on.

"True," Einar agrees. "Then he flew me to his island. This island. And I've been staying here with him ever since. Right Five?"


"But why?" I ask. "Don't you still have a job to do for the Foundation? Bea would be upset if you didn't do it, wouldn't she?"

"I suppose she is," he says, as casually as ever. Then shrugs and resumes, "Oh well. Let her be upset. I came to the island because I thought I could use a break. I'm not one for lounging at the beach, but the needs of the Foundation usually come either two ways: quick and messy or slow and dulling."

"Huh. Weird," I respond sarcastically, not buying a word of what he is telling. "You aren't dressed for a vacation."

"Yes well, I didn't plan for one either," he says. "Anyway, in the few months I had to myself, I realized how much I was doing for them and how little I was getting back in return. Sure, they gave me my own private safehouse in Iceland, but was that not just to cloud my judgement?"

"Cloud your judgement from what? That they're basically a bunch of sociopaths responsible for the kidnapping of Human Garde and have the guts to call themselves the New World Order?"

"If you want to put it that way, yes," he answers. "All those times where they asked me to collect someone new. All those times where they chose me instead of another just because of what I could do. Giving me special tasks that only I could do. And if I refused or any of us refused, well, we were the ones in deep shit, weren't we?"

"So they were using you," I say, putting the pieces together. "Good job on figuring that one out."

"Yeah," he says. "But not anymore. I know how to put an end to their business, and I was hoping you and your academy friends could help me."

"And why would I even consider doing that?"

"Well, as far as I know, you want those pricks out of commission too, and what better way of accomplishing that than working together?" Einar says in extension to his proposition.

"By working with someone who plans to kill anyone that is even closely related to the Foundation? Are you insane?! In case you weren't aware, one of the students at the academy has parents that are involved with them. How do you think he'll feel if you go off and kill them?"

Five has been oddly silent for the majority of the conversation. I look to him, wondering if he is thinking the same or if he will speak up against Einar's outrageous methods for peace.

His eye seems dead, staring blankly at the opposing wall ahead of him; unblinking. It is almost like he is in a trance. Staring off into space. Paying Einar and I no mind.

I walk toward the table to wave a hand in front of his face. He does not react; does not even blink. Then I look to Einar, hoping it isn't true.

"Yes, I am aware of Nigel Barnaby," Einar admits, continuing our conversation like I haven't just noticed the Loric's strange daze. "But I am also aware that his parents put him into boarding school at a very early age, where he was bullied and harassed. Tough circumstances call for tough decisions. We do what we have to. I'm sure your friend Nigel wouldn't mind."

"You're insane," I say. "I am not helping you kill people to put the world in order. What did you do to Five?"

"The Loric?" he asks, but it is clear that he knows that is whom I mean. "I only made him docile. Enough so to show you that I am no threat."

I scoff at that. "Playing with other peoples' emotions don't prove that you aren't threatening."

"Maybe so, but I try not to use my legacy on others like me," he responds. "Unless I need to."

I stare at him. He stares back, unwavering with concentration and determinism. It isn't until I feel the tension in my face lessen that I realize what is happening. And at that point, I take a sudden step away from the table.

I turn, hoping it'll be harder for the manipulator to manipulate me if he can't see my face, and run for the door. But I stop in the opening.

Just seconds ago, my hands trembled with fear and my heart beat so fast I could swear the walls were closing in on me. Trapping me with a monster. But now...

Now, I am okay. My heart is calm and steady. My hands are still. My feet don't tap. There is nothing to be afraid of; nothing to worry about. Everything is fine.

I am safe.

"Stay Emily," says the Icelandic boy. "I need your help."

I turn to face him, a soft and gentle smile upon my lips; reply, "I need yours too." 

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