Chapter 62: A Brand New Day

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"Hey. Can't sleep?" Sam asks, standing at the edge of the second-floor balcony doorway. I half-turn to find him holding two mugs of coffee. "Not sure if you drink roasted beans but I made you some if you want. Mind if I sit?"

It's hardly sunrise. The birds just beginning their morning tunes. It almost seems peaceful in Alabama after the failure we endured yesterday.


There is too much on my mind.

"Thanks," I reply, accepting the coffee from him with a grim smile.

Judging by the bags under Sam's eyes, I know he didn't sleep much either. Seems no one has. Except maybe John and Sarah. The pair have been talking and cuddling on the couch the whole night. Canoodling one another. It's not like I haven't noticed.

"So..." Sam begins again casually, giving the brown-furred rabbit in my lap a quick pat on the head. "How have you been holding up?"

I turn my gaze out over the field that surrounds our safehouse.

"I don't really know honestly," I say after a moment of quiet reflection.

Sam goes quiet, waiting for me to say something more.

When I don't, he nods and continues normally, "I get it. I know that feeling. I'm always here if you want to talk Emily."

"Thanks Sam," I reply before taking a sip of coffee.

"You know, I always wished I could get legacies, ever since seeing John launch fireballs from thin air," Sam says after a moment. "I knew it was probably never going to happen, but at the same time, I had a hope that it might. Does that make sense?"

I smile. "Yeah. It kinda does," I reply. "I never thought I would be the one to get legacies myself, let alone before you or any other humans. I still don't entirely understand why..."

"Lorien chose you. There has to be a reason Emily," Sam says.

"Henri believes so..." I say and pause.

We sit and talk for some time after, until the sun has fully risen. The coffee has gone cold but my skin has gotten warmer with the new rays of light.

A brand new day.

"Anyway, everyone thinks it would be a good idea if we all did some training together as a team. To work on getting stronger and whatnot," Sam says casually. "Wanna go downstairs together?"

"Sure," I reply. "Training sounds like a good idea."

After everyone is finished a quiet well-needed breakfast, Nine prepares a training session in the backyard and we all go out to meet him.

Malcolm stands nearby with a clipboard in his hands talking to Henri, while Lexa sits at a table on the back porch of the isolated house, presumably keeping tabs on the news.

The backyard really isn't all that large, but it extends to miles and miles of open field, giving us as much space as needed. There isn't another house, building, or outcropping of any sort in sight. Nothing but an endless display of plains.

As soon as we step foot into the backyard, Pixie and BK run forward, eager to start training. From what was BK's side, stands John and Sarah, holding hands. I expect Sarah will be joining us for training today. I try not to show any disappointment or awkwardness.

"Alright. What have you got for us big guy?" Eight asks coolly.

"Today, Eight, we're going to play some capture the flag," Nine starts in reply, almost seemingly irritated by Eight's lack of regard. "John and I will be team captains. The rules are simple: the team that is able to get the enemy's flag and bring it to their side first is the winner. You must be holding the flag at all times. No telekinesis. And no teleporting to the other flag and back," Nine says and resembles a loud fake cough. "That means you two, Eight and Johnny. You can use all your legacies for any other circumstances."

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