Chapter 91: Unity

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"Nearly three weeks," John said. "You've been in a coma for nearly three weeks; 19 days to be specific."

I still can't believe it.

That's a long time.

Not only have I been gone – taken prisoner to the Anubis with my Enemy – for almost two weeks, but I've been in a coma for three. Which means, I haven't really been back with the Loric for over a month.

And it shows.

While John has been helping me walk down the dark subbasement levels of a Mogadorian facility – Ashwood Estates, he called it – he started explaining some of the stuff I missed.

For starters, the brown-haired Mogadorian that first caught me making my escape the other day isn't an enemy. But rather an ally.

Rexicus Saturnus, his name is. A trueborn mog that is a friend of Adam.

According to John, even he isn't too sure of how much trust we should put in him yet. I remember him from Pittacus' records. A part of information Setrákus Ra picked out from my brain when he experimented on me during my initial captivity.

I don't know how glad I should be that he isn't dead.

Aside from our new Mogadorian ally, we also have others.

The redheaded FBI woman I caught a glimpse of previously is known as Agent Karen Walker. John said that she and her small team of agents tracked and caught up to them shortly after they left Alabama. She's the one that took John, Sam, and Eight into custody and illegally detained them when they went to Paradise in search of Malcolm's hidden bunker.

"She claimed that they needed our help," John explained.

"We could be using their help. Not the other way around," I almost said but didn't.

"I know," John thought back. I had no idea I even sent the thought telepathically. "We should keep an eye on them. But let's not forget that they're supposedly allies now."

"What about Sarah?" I ask out of the blue. "Five... he said that you and Sarah might've broken up. Is everything alright between you two?"

John seems to go silent for a few seconds, though responds as if all is normal; "Yeah, well, I suppose we did."

I stay silent; wait for him to continue.

"Sarah... she figured something was up with me; suspected the relationship I had with you," he continues. "I thought I would let it slip; try to ignore it so I could stay focused. Until one night on the roof – when I was sulking in your absence – she confronted me about it and I eventually confessed."

"You told her we kissed?"

"I told her everything," he says. "The kiss. The feelings I had for you. How it was different with you than it has been with her. I hated to break her heart, but I think she understood."

"She- understood?"

John nods and cracks a small smile.

"To be honest, I think she knew about our deepening relationship for a long time. She's too smart for secrets. There was no hiding it from her," he states, his smile fading before he continues. "But yeah, she understood. When I told her, she agreed. She didn't want something that didn't suit either of us anymore."

I remain silent, feeling a little ashamed that I let this happen.

"It's a mutual understanding," John expresses. "She knew I wasn't happy. She knew she wasn't happy. We've both grown apart and changed. And we've moved on."

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