Chapter 36: Sunshine Sweet Sunshine

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Luckily Henri remembers the way he came in, because I have no idea. So we're able to trace his path out, making only a few wrong turns before finding sunlight in the distance.

It isn't long before a siren is pulled. I should've expected that. There are flashing red lights everywhere. It's disorienting and makes me dizzy. My legs feel wobbly, like any moment I might collapse. If it weren't for Henri, I'm sure I would.

We hear his voice come through a speaker somewhere in the cave. As soon as we hear it, we stop. I lean against a wall while trying to catch my breath. Henri keeps his arm around me to support me. I can still feel a vicious poison inside me on top of my wounds, crawling under my skin. I can barely pay attention to what he is saying.

"Attention! Two of my prisoners have gone missing. Emily De Silva and Henri Smith. Bring them back to me immediately, but do not let any harm come to the girl. Do not let them escape this complex."

"If the mogs weren't looking for us before, they definitely are now," I say with a painful breath when his announcement is over.

"It won't matter. We'll be gone by the time they realize," Henri states.

"I hope so," is all I can think to respond with. Henri helps me off the wall and we keep moving.

Shortly before we reach the exit, Six materializes out of thin air. Seeing me hobble under Henri's arm, she runs to us, positioning herself at my other side and helping me walk to the outside light.

Finally, my feet reach the outside. I take my first breath of fresh air in days, even though it hurts with my wounds. The sun cast low through the trees of the forest, Pixie comes flying at me in the form of a hawk in the distance and lands on my shoulder.

"What happened?" asks Six when we are clear from the cave.

"I'll explain later. Right now, we should get back to the others," I say weakly.

Henri nods then adds, "They could be in danger."

"Why?" she asks, helping me walk to a nearby tree to lean against.

"I'll- explain later. We need- to hurry. I can't- I don't- feel good," I say, needing to pause to take a sharp breath.

My energy completely zapped and having difficulty standing, I can feel my consciousness slip. With an exhausted breath, I say, "We have to get back."

At that point do I feel myself fall. Henri catches me as he shouts my name while blackness unfolds around me. 

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