Chapter 72: BeAt AnD bEaTeN

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John bounds up the stage. He holds me gently by my shoulders, his hands smooth and warm.

"Nine! Put the staff down!" he yells in desperation.

Nine obeys and the partial pain at my neck is gone. Though I still feel the electrifying pulse of the metal collar as well as the dark entity swirling inside me.

I feel John's healing kick in, fending it off. It flows slowly into my system; I wish it worked faster.

Something wet and fuzzy licks my wound under the collar; I am too weak to know what it is. I am too weak and hurt to do anything. I only stay in John's arms, leaning into his touch.

In an echo of my chaotic mind, I hear Six's voice.

"This thing is not who you think he is!" she says. "He is the murderer of an entire race! He has caused the destruction of an entire planet! Now he came here to finish what he started. He kidnapped our friends and forced them into captivity."

My eyes flutter open in a weak effort to remain conscious, and I see him take an angry step toward Six. Eight climbs onto the stage to help her. Followed by Marina and Crayton, who both rush to Ella's side.

I feel John's healing stop.

"What are you going on about girl?! If you want to fight me to prove something to the humans, take your shot! I will prove that I can help them!" beckons Ra.

I feel John grow tense. I see anger arise in Six, Eight, and Nine over John's shoulder.

"Don't," I speak, my voice a harsh whisper. "He's only baiting you guys..."

Six glares at me; sees the struggle in my eyes. As I stare back, I see something else stir up inside her; inside them all.


John takes me in his arms, lifting me to my feet. Henri supports my other side.

While Crayton and Marina take Ella off the stage, John and Henri slowly lead me off the stage as well. My eyes catch sight of a white dove circling harmlessly above the panicked crowd.

Barely conscious, I let my feet drag while I'm under their arms. Through my weakened state, I listen to their voices behind me, my eyes half open.

"What did you do to them?!" Eight shouts, his voice hurt yet trying not to create panic in the crowd.

Setrákus simply smiles before replying, keeping his voice low enough so as to not let the humans hear, "Something I should've done long ago."

I can feel his eyes on me.

"Bullshit!" Nine yells. "Why don't you show them your true form old man?! Show them who you really are!"

"I see that as a useless action boy," Ra says, unusually calm.

We walk blankly through the crowd. The farther from the stage we go, the less pain I feel; from the dark entity lurking within and from the shock collar.

For the most part I keep my eyes down. I don't want anyone to see me like this. I don't want anyone to worry. I don't want anyone to be afraid.

Until I look up to find a woman standing ahead. Long wavy hair. Blonde of natural color. Slim and pale with big green eyes. She stands with a boy in her arms, whom cannot be more than five years old. I look into her eyes and she looks into mine. She is afraid. The boy is too.

My heart breaks.

I look away from the woman's eyes and look elsewhere.

It is everywhere.

Everywhere I look, I see fear. I see hopelessness. Despair.

Realizing I've stopped, John and Henri try to usher me forward, through the crowd and away from harm.

I can't.

I can't continue to run knowing these people are hopeless and in danger.

So, as weak as I still feel, I pull against them.

"No," I say quietly.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Henri asks, confused.

"Emily we need to get you out of here," John insists.

I force myself out from under their arms; force myself to stand on my own. I nearly fall but hold strong. I face them; look each of them in the eyes.

"I'm not running," I say firmly. "There are people's lives at stake. I'm not letting the nightmares come true."

Henri and John glance at each other.

I turn to Setrákus Ra, whom is still bickering with Six, Eight, and Nine on the stage. I can hear them even while standing in a murmuring crowd. A side effect of my legacy, Eneration. Enhanced senses.

Whatever Setrákus Ra did to me, I can still feel my Eneration buried deep within. It is just a matter of accessing it; pulling it into awakening.

"Perhaps I should provide a demonstration to the humans of what true Progress looks like," Ra says as he holds his staff in the air.

The Eye of Thaloc begins to glow a crimson red. Everyone stares at it. I remember what it does; what it can do, and what it has done before.

Staring at the red orb of the staff, I know what I must do.

I reach deep and try to summon my Eneration, but it does not come.

I fear what will happen next.

It's then that I hear a familiar voice in my head, "You must show them all the truth."

Delicate and imperial. A presence like no other. That is somewhere deep within me but also nonexistent.

Pittacus Lore.

I glance at the people around me. They all watch in fear, their eyes glued to the stage.

John may have gotten most of the black poison out of my system, but that doesn't mean I am capable. A mended body does not always mean a mended heart.

My Eneration still does not come. Instead, I feel the very same agonizing feeling.

And so, I close my eyes and think back, "I can't. My body won't let me."

"Would you like my assistance?" he asks from within.

"Yes. Please. Help us," I plead.

I do not hear his voice again.

Rather, I feel strengthened. I step forward, toward the Leader of the Mogadorians and his glowing red golden staff.

I close my eyes and everything goes dark. 

A Hero In The DarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang