Chapter 114: The Day After Tomorrow

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The day after tomorrow, a helicopter is scheduled to arrive at the Human Garde Academy at 11 am sharp. Nine, Malcolm, John, Emily, and Pixie all go to greet it.

"Do we have the names of the new arrivals yet?" I ask Malcolm who stands by us on the helipad with a clipboard and pen in his hands.

"Yes we do," he replies. "Kopano Okeke and Taylor Cook. A boy from Lagos, Nigeria and a girl from South Dakota. Picked up from the Loralite stone at Zuma Rock and the airport in Denver. Ms. Cook seemingly has the ability to heal people and the other... well, he-"

"He can alter his density," I finish, not bothering to meet anyone's gaze until I find that they are all staring at me.

"How do you know that Emily?" asks Nine.

"Is it Pittacus?" John asks after a moment. I nod. "You never mentioned that he told you stuff regarding what happens after the war."

"Yeah, well, I guess I was just worried about what might come," I respond, turning back to the helicopter hovering overhead descending into its landing. I can sense John and Nine look at one another in confusion as well as Malcolm shrug behind me.

Once the rotors cease, a UN official escort exits the vehicle first. Followed by the new students.

A dark-skinned Nigerian boy with thick black hair and nicely toned body. At his side, exits a timid American girl with long blonde hair and rich blue eyes. She looks like she hasn't slept in days; heavy bags under her eyes. I think she is partially leaning some of her weight on the broad-shouldered boy.

While their escort heads over to talk to Nine, Malcolm, and John, I make my way over to the newcomers to introduce myself.

"Hey there. My name is Emily. Kopano and Taylor, isn't it?" I start, extending my hand to either of them to shake.

The tall boy takes my hand and returns a firm handshake with raw enthusiasm while the slender girl simply nods in confirmation.

"Yes, yes. And it is pronounced 'Co-pon-o' actually," says the eager kid and I nod in apology. "I've seen you on the news. Defending New York City once you took down that crazed alien. Is that John Smith? Is he the one that will train us?"

Despite the lack of sleep that I'm sure both of these two are facing – the girl likely more so by a large margin – the boy still speaks in an overly excited tone.

I smile and reply, following Kopano's glare at John, "Yeah. That's John Smith. One of the few remaining Garde that survived the fall of Lorien. He won't be training you directly; that's Professor Nine's role. But there's plenty of time to talk about this later once the two of you are settled in. Allow me to give you a tour."

And I do, leading Kopano and Taylor down the main building and off of the helipad, nodding to the others as we walk past.

I show them around the entire campus; introduce them to some of the students. Through the halls where classes are held. Administration. The gym and training facilities. The cafeteria. To the staff offices and Malcolm's lab. Health and services and the HGA infirmary. And finally ending with a show of the student residence.

"So, does the bunny follow you around all the time or is this a special deal?" asks the still very giddy Kopano.

I laugh; reply, "Yeah. Pretty much. Her name is Pixie. She is my Chimæra; one of the few shapeshifting animals that journeyed from Lorien to Earth."

"Oh cool," says Taylor, giving a pat under Pixie's chin. The blonde girl hasn't said all too much other than short sentences and quick answers. I assume it is a matter of tiredness and that only. In fact, the most she has ever spoke is likely when she asked how frequent family visits can be. Once I told her that family visitations occur every once a month or so for their own safety, she seemed to have reduced her quietness ever so slightly.

"Well, we have suites prepared for you two already," I say at last. "Both your places occupied with two other roommates. Kopano, you'll be bunking up with Nigel and Caleb on the third floor. Room 26. Taylor, I'll take you to the girls' dorm. You'll be sharing a suite with Isabela and Ran. On the third floor, room 15."

The two both nod.

We see Kopano off first. Then I lead Taylor over to the girls' dormitory and show her to her suite.

When they are both settled in, I find Nine in his office with John getting our newest arrivals set up into the system.

"How are they?" Nine asks when I enter. "Settling in okay?"

"Just fine, I think. Taylor seems to be going through a harder time, but I'm sure she will find her comfort zone with time," I say. "How's administration coming along?"

"Oh, you know. Archibald is on my ass; needing me to finish up their start as soon as possible. Thank Lore Greger is out. Don't think I could handle him and Archie."

I sit on Nine's couch next to John and give him a kiss on his cheek. He puts an arm around my waist.

"You can handle anything and anyone Nine," I reply with a sharp smile. "But on the topic of the staff, is it alright if I have a talk with Dr. Linda? As well as some of the students?"

"Uh yeah. Why?" Nine questions aloud.

"Foundation purposes," I answer simply. "Some of them-"

"Oh, those shitheads," Nine interrupts. "Yeah have at it. Any act that puts a secret corrupt organization in its place, so they don't endanger any more of these kids is always welcomed on my desk. Have at it Emily."

"Thanks," I say. "First thing tomorrow." 

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