Chapter 130: Fine at Last

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By the time I develop consciousness again it has been several hours. How do I know? I don't. Not really. It's just that it seems quieter than it did before I was put under. And as little lighting as there is in this dull laboratory, it feels duller.

"How long was I out for?" I ask the pink-haired girl sitting calmly beside me, my throat parched and dry.

She hands me a glass of water and I drink quickly while she answers.

"Longer than I expected," she replies. "I thought you were used to this."

I have nothing to say to her initially. I find myself stumbling to respond. Until I finally find the words, "No one should be used to this."

Magdalena only shrugs. "Do you feel any different human?" she asks then, and still, I have no idea why she keeps referring to me by that title.

I force myself to sit up straight in the dentist-like chair, groaning from exhaustion while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"No," I say with obvious disappointment. "No I don't."

"Try," she says then and at first I was confused as to what she meant. "Try and summon them."

I only realize as she says it that she is referring to my legacies. And it is then that I hear the thought flowing naturally from her mind to my own.

"It is all progressive. Her legacies should be restored and she should be healed."

And so, I do.

I try.

I try my primary legacy first. Eneration; focus on igniting it in my palm like I used to.

And sure enough, it shines a vibrant cobalt blue. Just as before, with a slightly new occurrence. The only difference being the weariness it creates within me and the exhaustion that sets in as it did when I first developed the legacy.

I sigh.

I suppose being disconnected from my legacies for so long would result in a setback or two.

I need to accept that getting my legacies restored isn't going to be so simple. It'll take some time to get back to the point I was once at.

Seeing that my telepathy and Eneration work, I try to levitate the pendant that lays against my chest; levitate the amulet holding my bond to Lorien telekinetically.

It hovers over my chest by a mere few inches.

Then I let it drop.

"And the toxin in my system?" I ask. "Is it-?"

"Gone," Magdalena confirms. "According to my records, the astatine has done you wonders at fighting the toxin in your body. Bea is waiting outside the lab. She wants to talk to you. Do you feel ready to walk?"

I turn to put my feet flat on the floor. There is a sort of dizziness that overcomes my vision though that soon diminishes.

"I'm fine," I say and force myself to stand. Then head to the laboratory exit. Yet before I leave, I turn and face her, "At last, I feel fine. Thank you for everything."

The girl only bows her head, her pink hair falling into her face. She moves it out of the way before making any kind of response.

"I am sorry," is all she says in turn. I look at her in confusion, waiting for her to say more.

But she doesn't. And I leave.

As Magdalena said, Bea has been waiting for me to wake. Springing to her feet rather eagerly from a nearby chair to meet me in the dim hallway.

"What's your status?" she asks upon greeting.

I ignite my palm, putting my legacy on full display, and nod. Bea smiles.

"I have a task for you," she says then.

"What kind of task?"

"There is a deal happening in Switzerland tomorrow," she explains. "My son will be there. I need you to be there too."

I nod; reply, "Nigel, right? I've heard the news. I'm sorry to hear about your husband."

Bea waves a careless hand through the air. "Yes, yes. The condolences are appreciated. But we have other things to worry about."

I only give a quick nod in understanding, continuing my walk ahead to where Nigel stands waiting. I hate being in situations like those; when there are just more important things to do. I haven't been in a situation like that since before Setrákus Ra's broadcast. I guess I should be getting used to it again.

"If I may, what deal is it?"

"Oh, just a deal between Sydal Corp and I," she answers. "A briefcase of a substance he wants in exchange for his continued support."

"Wade Sydal, isn't it?"

She raises an eyebrow in my direction. "Indeed. How do you figure?"

I casually avoid her gaze; face forward and answer simply with a slight smile, "An old friend." 

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