Chapter Thirty- Ignored

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Phoenix's P.O.V


Dylan had fallen in asleep in my arms, and I didn't have the heart to wake her. She looked so peaceful, so free of worry, the complete opposite to how I felt. Doing my best not to disturb her, I gently rolled slightly allowing my free arm to just reach my bedside table, and my phone on top of it. With my phone now in my hand, I moved slowly again until I was in a more comfortable position, still not waking Dylan has I did so.

Unlocking the phone and opening up my messages, I read the message and then reread, staring at the words, as if by staring at them I could make them disappear. I wasn't sure how much time I had wasted just staring at the message before I even made an attempt to write a reply.

"Mmm, what time is it?"

Dylan's sleepy voice gave me the perfect excuse to erase the start of the message I had begun composing.

"Don't worry beautiful, you weren't asleep long, its still early." Dylan mumbled in response, and moved over slightly, freeing my arm from underneath her. I quickly locked my phone, chucking it down next to me, as I pulled her in for a cuddle, the response could wait until later.

We stayed in this position, cuddling and talking, until we both agreed that it was late. She was slow to get up and leave the comfort of my bed, and as much as I had things to deal with, part of me didn't want her to leave.

"I'll see you soon, don't work too hard." With her usual cocky smile and a gentle kiss goodbye, Dylan left me to my own thoughts. Closing the door behind her, I pressed my back against it, letting out a deep sigh as I closed my eyes.

Things were getting worse. A lot worse, in fact. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and read the message I had already memorised by heart.

'Tick-tock, time's running out to do the right thing.'

It was a threat, or at least it seemed that way. It also wasn't the first one. You're always taught growing up that if you choose to ignore things, they won't just magically go away. Yet here I was still choosing to ignore it, in the hopes that out would just magically disappear, and I wouldn't have to worry anymore.

It wasn't fair of me to question Dylan like she was guilty of something, but she was the obvious choice for how our secret could have gotten out.

Pushing against the door, I made my way over to my desk in the living room, sorting through the various piles of homework and coursework that I had left in an organised mess on top of it. Moving the final pile, I picked up the note I had hidden before Dylan had come over, unfolding it, reading it for what must have been the hundredth time.

It only contained six words, but those six words scared the living hell out of me.

'I know your dirty little secret.'

The truth was, I currently had a few secrets, and all of them would have pretty devastating consequences if they were to come out. None more so than my relationship with Dylan, that secret could ruin my life. I couldn't be certain what secret the note was referring to, but considering I had found it on my desk at school, I could safely assume it was Dylan related.

It had been a week since I had received the note, and I had almost forgotten all about it until the text. Somehow this person not only knew my 'secret', they also knew my phone number.

Pulling out my phone, I stared at the note and text together, trying to come up with a plan of action. If I messaged them back, I would be giving them the satisfaction of knowing they had gotten to me. But if I ignored it, then there was the possibility that it could get worse.

'Do the right thing.' The words were so strange. What was the right thing? What was it they wanted me to do? It almost seemed like a blackmail, but there were no conditions. Should I just wait until they sent another note or message, giving instructions or making a threat?

Giving up with trying to figure out a plan to respond, I sat down at my desk, pulling my laptop over to me, lifting up the lid, and typing in my password. I wasn't sure what I was going to do exactly, but I could at least try to do something, opening up the search browser as I googled the number that had text me. Not surprisingly there was nothing. Next I tried typing it into facebook, wondering if it was registered to an account, it wasn't. Next I tried even stupider things, typing in my name, Dylan's name, the schools name, and words like 'affair', 'relationship', 'student teacher', but it only led me to fanfiction sites, which only made me feel worse.

With a long sigh, I ran a hand through my hair, before using the hair band on my wrist to tie it up. The only thing I could do was give up and wait. This person clearly wanted something from me, and I was certain they wouldn't stop until they got it. I just didn't know what that something was.

I had done my best to keep a good distance between me and Dylan, hoping it would be enough to keep my mystery messenger at bay, but it wasn't enough. Three days was all it took for the next text to come through, and this time I was certain they wanted a response from me.

'I don't like being ignored.'

Putting the kettle on, I grew more annoyed every time I re-read the message. This person was playing with me, it wasn't enough for them that they had put me on edge, they were now teasing me.

'I think you've got the wrong number.'

Typing the message quickly, I clicked the send button before I had the chance to second guess it and regret it, choosing to chicken out instead.

Staring at my phone, willing it not to receive a response, I forgot all about the kettle that had boiled. As the minutes started to pass by I drummed my fingers nervously against the kitchen countertop, waiting for the next message. Locking the phone and unlocking it, I waited, until it finally came through.

'I don't think I have, Rena.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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