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We arrived at the party around eight and it was already packed with people from our school. Loud music played from within the house and clouds of smoke were escaping teen's mouths. The set blue LED lights made the situation feel as if it came straight out of a movie.

"Holy shit. Lena!" Someone shouted my name and I turned to look at them. It was a boy from the football team, Matthew. He was walking up towards us.

"I told you that you have hoes." Everly laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"How you doing babe? Everything good?" He asked putting his arm around me.

"I'm doing fine, Matthew, thank you." I pulled his arm off of me.

"We need to get you a few drinks. Come, there's Jello shots." He grabbed my hand and guided me through the sweaty teens.

We made it to the kitchen where I found Vince smoking a joint.

"Lee you're here!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Of course. It's Yazzy's birthday." I fake smiled.

I used to love coming to parties all the time, but now I just feel out of place

Vince took my hand and led me away into outside where it was more quiet.

"Are you okay to be here?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine, Vince. I just need a drink." I chuckled.

"Hit this first then." He lifted the blunt up to me.

"How many times do I have to tell you that my tolerance is way higher than yours for anything." I laughed.

He raised an eyebrow acting as if I won't do it.

"Give me." I grabbed the blunt and took a long drag. I handed it back to him and coughed since its been awhile.


A few Jello shots and a mixed drink later, I felt free. I felt as if all of my problems never existed. I felt one with the scene.

Everly was by my side as we danced to the music. Vince was outside with his other guy friends playing beer pong.

Now I remember why I come to parties.

I wasn't drunk, but I felt the edge slowly fall away.

A twerking song came on and I was immediately grabbed by a boy. I turned around and smacked his hands away.

"Oh come on, Lena. I know you want me." Matthew slurred drunkly.

"Go away, Matt." I tried to push him away from him.

"Oh come on. I'll let you hit my juul, if you know what I mean." He winked flirtatiously, and I started to become weirded out. He grabbed my hips and pressed me onto him.

"Get off of me." I shouted and pushed him again.

Vince came out of nowhere and punched him in the face, hard.

"Vince!" I shouted, shocked.

"She said to get off of her." He punched him again.

"What the fuck is going on?" Yazzy walked into the circle of where the fight was happening.

"Can ya get the fuck up and stop acting like kids! It's my fucking birthday." She pulled Vince off of Matthew.

Yazmine, aka Yazzy, was a beautiful girl. She had curly dark brown hair, an hourglass figure, and a strong Spanish accent. Her family moved here from the Dominican Republic in our Sophomore year and that's how she met us all. We are close, but not super close as to I know her secrets. Her family is really chill though. They're the ones who threw her this party.

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