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Friday, February 14th. Valentine's Day. Love Day. Whatever you want to call it.

Years before, I used to have a love hate relationship with this holiday. Seeing people in love and giving their loved ones flowers would always warm my heart, but then I'll get sad because I wasn't one of those girls.

But this year, I am.

I walked down the school hallway which was filled with pink and red hearts, streamers, and couples making out by the lockers. I made it to my locker and opened it. Inside was a bouquet of sunflowers mixed with roses, my favorites. A note was attached to it.

'Happy Valentine's Day, my love. I love you forever and a day.

"Happy Valentine's Day." I turned around and saw Killian standing there.

"Hi baby." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you for the flowers."

"Anything for you, beautiful." He pecked my lips. "Talking about beautiful. Damn don't you look way too good right now. Let me see a spin." He took my hand and I spun around. He whistled and it made me laugh with the hugest smile on my face.

The bell rang and I sighed.

"I'll see you at lunch." He kissed my cheek then walked away. He turned around and gave me a wink before turning back around.

I blushed hard and continued to grab my books from my locker.

"So I see that you and Killian are still going strong." I turned my head and saw Micah next to me.

"Yeah. We're happy, Micah."

"Yazzy and I are having problems. I've never had problems with you." He mumbled.

"That's because we've only known each other for a month during the time of our whatever you wanna call it." I closed my locker and faced him.

"If you're not happy with Yazzy, then stop trying to force it." I tried to walk away but he grabbed onto my arm.

"She just isn't you. You made me feel like a better person when we were together. Now you're over here with this dickhead when you should be with me." He sounded aggressive.

"Let go of me!" I tugged my arm away from him. "And I'm not going to be with you Micah. Not now, not ever. You lied to me, and you tried to use me. Nothing is the same anymore and you have to accept it." I walked away and left him standing there.

"Fuck you, Lena! I hope he breaks your fucking heart, you whore!" He shouted as I walked away. Just as my day started to get better, he comes again and ruins it.

I sat down in my seat in English next to Vince. He sensed that something was off.

"What's up, Lee?" He asked me.

"Fucking Micah. Always acting one way one day then different the next. He seems to be obsessed with me." I whispered to him.

"If he tries anything you know I got you." He put his hand onto my shoulder and rubbed it. "Warhead?" He offered me a candy. I accepted and put it into my mouth while making a sour face.

"Best candy ever." He leaned back in his seat and Mrs. Malick started her lesson,

"As we transition into our last semester, it is time for our midway projects. In a group of four, you are to pick one of the books we read and pick a scene from it. You are then to pick a modern situation to where it applies to, and keep facts present. This will be presented in front of the class. Social issues are still happening today, and you are the hope for the future. I am expecting this by March 3rd."

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