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I've been in LA for the past five weeks. During that time Alexa has shown us majority of the city. She even introduced her college friends to mom and I. They all seemed really cool and chill. Mom lets me go hang out with all of them and Alexa sometimes while she cleans Alexa's apartment.

One of my favorite things in LA so far has to be the Jamba Juice here. Along with going to Target in the middle of the night for no reason other than being bored. The shopping and thrift shops are also top notch. Alexa showed me many different stores, and I would need another suitcase by the time I come home.

Alexa's leg is healing fast. The doctor said that her cast could come off in another week and a half.

The only downside of LA is the terrible traffic.

Mom and I visited Alexa's office for her brand, and it was beautiful and so sophisticated. It really made me think as to what I want to do in the future after high school.

Right now I'm at a coffee shop by myself with my laptop. I was researching colleges and majors. I love the city life.

I've been taking a lot of Snapchats and pictures, for my friends' requests. We text every night just to catch up on what's going on. So far they've been having a lot of pool parties, road trips to random places they found, and explored abandoned places.

"Is anyone sitting here?" Someone asked and I looked up to see that it was a boy.

He had curly dark hair, bright blue eyes, and beige colored skin. He wore black jeans and a red graphic tee. I will admit that he was good looking, but majority of the people in LA are good looking. He had tattoos up and down his arms, and it was some beautiful work.

"No, no one is sitting here." I moved my stuff more over to my side.

"Thanks. There's no other open tables." He lowly chuckled.

"Yeah, no problem." I politely smiled.

"Uh, I'm Francis."

"Lena." I giggled at how shy he was acting.

"How old are you?" He asked, genuinely interested.


"Oh cool. I'm eighteen." He took a sip from his iced coffee.

"Well, I turn seventeen in two months." I shrugged and closed my laptop. I grabbed the large cookie I was eating earlier and took a bite.

"Are you from LA?"

"Nope. I'm here visiting family from Connecticut."

"Connecticut? Oh wow that's a trip. I'm from Oregon." He chuckled.

"Yeah it was. I'm here till early September."

"That leaves time for us to hang out maybe?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I just met you. How do I know that you're not trying to kill me." I laughed, but internally begging that he wasn't trying to.

"Okay that's true. Don't worry I'm completely harmless. I mean, I'm even scared of spiders." He put his hands up in defense.

"Mhmm." I teased him.

"I just saw a pretty girl in a coffee shop and wanted to talk to her. I mean, I just graduated high school."

"Alright then. Where are we going?" I folded my hands, interested.

"More of what we're doing tonight."

"Tonight?" I raised my eyebrow.

"My band is performing tonight here at seven. Want to come?"

"I mean, I have nothing better to do." I chuckled.

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