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It's been two weeks since the incident with Francis, and since I found out that Micah broke his promise.

I should've known. He wasn't texting me as much as he was before, and every time that we did talk he was being dry. He would answer the texts with a simple 'okay', or 'cool'. I've been playing it cool with him for the past few weeks, to make him think that I didn't know.

Yazzy has been acting like nothing happened, but I give her the benefit of the doubt because she didn't know about Micah and I's situation.

This is plainly Micah's fault. He knew what he was doing.

But so did I with Francis.

The thought of the situation makes me cringe because how could I have been so reckless and care-free.

I confided in Alexa about what happened, and she told me that she met Francis before. After yelling at me for a few minutes, she then told me that he was a one-night stand type of guy and only wants one thing. She met him at a party and tried to get with her but she denied him. She told me that it was okay and she doesn't judge me. All she said was to be careful and not to trust anyone in LA; which I know now.

Now thinking about it, for the past seven weeks I've been here, LA is too dramatic and chaotic for me. School starts the next day I get back, which is next week Sunday.

What a summer I've had.

I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Mom was in with Alexa getting her final cast off. I was reading Vogue magazine, and aspired to be like Anna Wintour who is the editor-in-chief. I once read that her net worth was $35 million.

"Wow a teenager reading rather than on their phone. You're a rare breed, child." An elderly woman said sitting down next to me.

I looked over to her and smiled, "Thanks."

"Don't tell me you're here for an abortion, now." She looked over to me and I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Uh, no. I'm waiting for my sister and mom." I turned to her.

"You know, when I was about your age I met my late husband. Of course he was drafted into Vietnam when he was twenty-two, but he was and still is the love of my life." She gave a small smile to me.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I told her sincerely.

"He's with God now, sweetie. No need to be sorry." She opened up her purse and took out a cracker.

I looked back to my magazine and continued to read. Her story sounded like a real life 'The Notebook'. Love was pure and true back then. A life with no technology, you're bound to become overwhelmed with someone.

I looked back over to her and closed my magazine, "How did you know that your husband was the love of your life?" I became intrigued with this random old woman.

"Back in the sixties, I was very pretty. I had the most luscious blonde hair and wore the most trendy clothes. My husband caught my eye one day while walking home from school. He was sitting on the curb because some ignorant teens have just finished beating him up. He was a beautiful black man, and back then times were rough for black people. Our eyes met, and that's when I knew I would love this man for the rest of my life." She said with a smile on her face.

"So you believe that it was love at first sight?" I asked her with a smile on my face as well.

"Oh, of course. The only problem was seeing each other. I never had a problem with black people, but the terrible white boys of the neighborhood did. My parents and his supported us, but those awful boys would always shout degrading slurs at him when we walked together. When we both turned eighteen, we decided to have a secret wedding. My father was a pastor and he married us. When the war broke out and drafting began, we were twenty-two years old and already had two children. He died in action, but he is always with me."

I sat back in the chair. I would hate it for everyone to hate on a relationship that wasn't theirs based on skin color.

"You two must've been really happy together."

"Child, as long as we had each other, that was all of the happiness we both ever needed." She had a small smile on her face. I could tell she lived quite a life filled with obstacles yet love.

My mom and Alexa came out of the room and stood at the receptionist desk.

"That's my family. It was really nice talking to you." I gave her a warm smile and she returned one.

"Of course. You remind me of my grand baby Freya anyways."

I got up and waved good bye to her. I walked over to my mom and sister.

"Who's that lady you were talking to?" Alexa asked.

"I don't know but she told me her life story. Sweet woman." I responded. I looked down at Alexa's leg and saw no cast.

"Nice leg." I chuckled and she pushed me slightly on my shoulder.

The days were going by so quick that it was eventually Saturday. Mom was in the kitchen cooking Alexa food for tomorrow when we leave. She even pre-seasoned so many meats for her to cook, it could last her a month.

Alexa and I sat in the living room watching 'The Lorax' on this wonderful first week of September night. This movie was our favorite movie to watch before school started. It was sort of a tradition we started when I was ten years old.

"I'm going to miss you so much, sis." Alexa looked over to me with a small smile.

"Awe I'm going to miss you too, ugly." I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I got something for you when we were outside getting you another suitcase." She got up and walked into her room. She came back out and had a small box in her hand.

She handed it to me and I opened it. Inside was a silver chained bracelet with a butterfly charm on it. While I was in LA, we both had a weird conversation about butterflies and she showed me photos of them up close. It was one of best memories here because we each took an edible beforehand, and somehow mom didn't notice that we were high.

"I love it." A tear left my eye.

"I have a matching one, too. So no matter, we are always together." She showed me her wrist and there it was. I immediately put it on then gave her a big hug.

"I love you." I hugged her tightly.

"I love you too."

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