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Have you ever been in one of the most awkward situations and there's no way out of it? Well that's what's happening right now.

It's a normal Sunday morning.

Mom was at Church, Everly was at Onya's house, I decided to stay home this one time and Killian came over.

We were having sex when I heard the front door open, then close.

"Shit. How long have we been-" I freaked out and got off of him. I quickly tried to find my panties.

"Where are my boxers?" He looked around the floor and I found them then threw them at him.

We weren't using a condom, but he didn't come yet.

I threw on my panties and tried to find my shirt. I was in my bra.

"Lena we have to get ready because guests are coming ov-" My mother opened the door and it felt as everything froze.

Killian laid on the bed with his sweatpants on, but no shirt, and I had only panties and a bra on but my shirt was halfway over my body. She knew something was going on.

Her eyes shifted back and forth to the both of us.

"Get dressed. Guests are coming over." She said with her passive-aggressive voice. She closed the door and I knew that I was going to get yelled at later.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"Who's coming over this time for brunch?" Killian asked putting his shirt on top of his head.

"No idea. But the regular crew is coming." I sat down on the bed.

We sat in silence for a few, until he did a WWE move on me.

"John Cena!" He shouted and I fell to the bed.

We both couldn't hold in our laughter and he ended up on top of me. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

"I..love...you." He said in between kisses and I chuckled.

I took his face in between my hands and squished his cheeks together, "I love you too." I kissed his lips. "But, I have to get ready." I pushed him off of me and walked to my closet. I opened it and tried to chose an outfit.

"How about something sexy. Like booty shorts and your lacey bra." He joked and I turned around to face him.

"Oh sure and then my mom would whoop my ass."

He chuckled and turned the TV in my room on.

I decided on a simple grey sweatpants and white cropped top outfit.

"Trying to be like me, huh?" He said with his hands behind his head as he laid on the bed.

I looked at his grey sweatpants and white t-shirt.

"I mean I guess. If anything you're trying to be like me." I joked.

He rolled his eyes and continued to watch the TV.

I fixed my hair into a mid ponytail and decided to call it a day.

"Lena! They're here!" My mom shouted from downstairs and I groaned.

"Did you tell her yet about NYU?" He asked me.

"No. I'll tell her over brunch conversation." I shrugged and pulled him off of the bed. I turned off the TV and we both walked down the stairs.

On the couch was Vince, Everly, Onya, Xiomara, Kyle, and Oliver.

"Oh don't tell me. Mama P caught ya." Kyle laughed and clapped his hands.

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