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After exiting the cab, I walked into the house and was greeted with the smell I learned to miss.


I haven't told anyone that I was home yet. I wanted to have at least two hours to myself before everything unravels.

It was eight in the morning, and I doubt that anyone was up.

"I'm going to go take a nap, sweetie. You should too. It's been a long trip." My mom said then yawned.

Truth was that I was wide awake. I slept for the whole flight while my mom decided to watch movies.

I nodded at her and we both brought up our suitcases.

When I got into my room, I immediately started unpacking. I through the laundry from the past two days into my hamper, hung up my old and new clothes, and folded my new jeans. Mom and I may have splurged a little bit too much while in LA when it came to clothes.

When I finished, I looked around my room and felt like it was too bland. I was going to be seventeen this year anyways. The nearest Target was about twenty-five minutes away.

Our new family car from after the crash was in the garage, and it's been awhile since I've driven a car. Today seemed like the perfect day to renovate my room.

I walked into my mom's room and she was laying down watching TV.

"Hey, sweetie. What's up?" She asked looking at me.

"I was thinking of driving to Target." I told her with a small smile.

She looked at me with a sincere smile, "Are you ready?"

"I think so."

"Be careful baby. The keys are hanging in the garage. Text me when you get there." She nodded her head with approval.

"I'll be home soon." I walked out of the room and downstairs into the garage.

I opened the car door and immediately, anxiety overcame me. I tried to remember what Dr. Elington would tell me about how to manage my anxiety during our therapy Skype sessions while I was in LA.

I connected my phone to the bluetooth and played my playlist on shuffle. I opened the garage door from inside the car, and started the ignition.

This was it.

I drove out of the garage and made my way to Target.

I would believe that I've spent over three hours there. I brought my school supplies, new room decor, new bedding, and of course Starbucks. I put all of my bags into the trunk and sat back into the driver's seat. My phone buzzed and I looked to see the notification.

12:09 PM
everly / you're mom texted me saying you're home! i'm all packed up and ready to come over whenever you want me to.

Shit. I forgot that Everly was staying with us.

12:11 PM
me / i'll be there in 30 mins.

I took a sip of my Starbucks then drove out of the parking lot.

I soon arrived in front of Onya's house. I exited the car and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell and soon after Everly answered it.

"Oh my God! You're back!" She shouted then hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged her back. She then released me from her grip and looked at me.

"Are you not wearing a bra? And wow you look so good." She looked down then back up to me.

"No one in LA wears bras." I chuckled and so did she.

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