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It is taught in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. I believe that whoever wrote that had to be gay and hated themselves for it so they justified it with religion.

People are people.

Love is love.

I am not exactly a Christian, but my mother forces me to Church every Sunday.

Everly doesn't go because some members of the church have told her that she is a disgrace and she will be going to hell for loving women.

I associate more with my father's religion, which was Buddhism.

So here I am, sitting in at nine o'clock in the morning mass for a religion that I see as bullshit and hypocritical. Vince is sitting next to me and we are both in our "Sunday best".

My phone vibrates in my lap in I look to see the notification.

9:24 AM
micah / cute skirt ;)

I looked up and saw him from across the row. I snickered at his comment and texted him back.

9:25 AM
me / how about you pay attention to the psalm rather than what i'm wearing ;)

9:26 AM
micah / sorry beautiful, i'm atheist ;)

I chuckled and my mother hit my leg.

"Helena! Shh. Get off of your phone." She whispered.

9:28 AM
me / gtg, mom on my back.

I locked my phone and looked back up, but not without recognizing that Vince was looking at me.

The mass went on but the part where the bread was getting blessed started to occur.

"Who were you texting?" Vince whispered next to me as we knelt on the floor.

"No one." I shook him off.

"Was it Everly?"

"It was no one, Vince." I whispered, shaking my head.

"Stop lying to me, Lee." He grabbed my arm and I looked at him.

"Not here you two." My mother whispered again to us, trying to make us shut up.

"Sorry." We both whispered.

It was time to receive the Eucharist, so we all got up and lined up. I stood in front of Micah, coincidentally. Vince stood in front of me and mom in front of him. Micah's parents stood behind him, as well.

"You look pretty today." He whispered in my ear.

I turned slightly around and hit his shoulder.

"Shut up." I whispered and chuckled.

Vince turned around and looked at the both of us.

"What?" I whispered to him.

"Do you mind?" He whispered back to me.

Minus the fact that I'm not Christian, Vince happens to be. Of course he doesn't believe in everything the Bible happens to say, but he does believe in God and Jesus and all of that.

"Sorry." I said.

I felt bad because Vince actually enjoys going to Church.

"Want to go somewhere after this?" Micah whispered to me.

"My mom always has Sunday brunch at our house. Want to see if your parents want to come to my house?" I whispered back.

"I'll ask." He whispered back.

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